

遼代鮮演的華嚴思想=Xianyan's Huayan thought in Liao Dynasty
著者 譚睿 (著)=Tan, Rui (au.)
出版サイト https://www.nccu.edu.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官林鎮國=Lin, Chen-Kuo
キーワード遼代=Liao Dynasty; 鮮演=Xianyan; 華嚴思想=Huayan thought; 華嚴經玄談決擇記=Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji; 一心=One Mind; 法界=Dharma Realm; 理事=Lishi; 十玄=Shixuan; 五教料揀=Five religions selection; 諸宗融會=Integration of Sects

The Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji written by Xianyan , a monk of Huayan Sect in Liao Dynasty , is the only known and well-preserved Liao Dynasty Buddhism writing with the theme of Huayan Studies. This paper selects the Xianyan's Huayan thought in Liao Dynasty as the research topic, through the interpretation and analysis of the text of Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji, investigates the theoretical face of the Xianyan's Huayan thought, and understands the internal development relationship between the Huayan thought of Liao Dynasty and the Huayan thought of Tang Dynasty, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Xianyan's Huayan thought and Huayan teaching.
This paper consists of seven chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, the second to sixth chapters are the main text, and the seventh chapter is the conclusion. In the main text, the second chapter focuses on Xianyan and Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji, which mainly introduces the general situation of Buddhism in Liao Dynasty, especially Xianyan's life deeds and achievements, as well as the basic explanation of the relevant situation of Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji; the third chapter explains how Xianyan applied the paradigm of five religions of Huayan Sect, it focuses on the communication of Huayan Sect's five religious judgment, and then expounds the problems of material selection of Xianyan's five religions respectively; the fourth chapter explains the interpretation of Huayan Sect core ideas of """"One Mind"""" and """"Dharma Realm"""", expounds the main views of Huayan ancestors in Tang Dynasty, and then explains Xianyan's specific understanding of relevant issues; the fifth chapter explains the interpretation of Huayan Sect core ideas of """"Lishi"""" and """"Shixuan"""", first around Xianyan's view of """"Lishi"""", and then around Xianyan's """"Shixuan"""" teaching; the sixth chapter explains the relationship between Xianyan's Huayan thought and the thoughts of various Sects, which are mainly reflected in three aspects: the first is the absorption and transformation of Tiantai Sect thought, the second is the quotation and exertion of Faxiang Sect thought, the third is the criticism of Zen practice and the discrimination of Zen Buddhism.
This paper focuses on the three aspects of Huayan Sect's religious judgment theory, core thought and integration theory to elaborate multiple features of Xianyan's Huayan thought shown in the Huayan Jing Xuantan Jueze Ji, and draws four conclusions: firstly, the development of Huayan studies in Liao Dynasty is the continuation of Huayan studies in Tang Dynasty, and Xianyan comprehensively inherited the Huayan studies in mid and late Tang Dynasty represented by Chengguan and Zongmi; secondly, the innovation of the doctrine of Xianyan's Huayan thought is prominently reflected in three aspects, his ten meanings to explain the sutra title of Huayan Sutra, the application of the paradigm of five religions of Huayan Sect, and the absorption and transformation of the various Sect’s thoughts; thirdly, Xianyan takes the promotion of the doctrine of Chengguan as its purport, and attaches great importance to the main positi
目次謝辭 Ⅰ
摘要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 選題背景與研究意義 1
第二節 文獻回顧與文獻總評 3
第三節 研究方法與章節概要 14
第二章 鮮演與《華嚴經玄談決擇記》 16
第一節 遼代佛教概況 16
一、遼代社會中的佛教文化 16
二、遼代佛教義學的發展 18
第二節 鮮演與《華嚴經玄談決擇記》 21
一、鮮演生平事跡和成就 21
二、《華嚴經玄談決擇記》相關問題考 24
第三節 鮮演對《華嚴經》與《華嚴經疏》的判釋 28
一、《華嚴經玄談決擇記》結構及大意 28
二、鮮演對《華嚴經》經題與《華嚴經疏》疏號的釋義 30
三、鮮演對《華嚴經》與《華嚴經疏》的科判 40
第三章 鮮演對華嚴宗五教範式的應用 45
第一節 判教與會通 45
一、華嚴宗的五教判釋 45
二、判教與會通 51
三、鮮演論頓教 56
第二節 鮮演五教料揀之諸題 61
一、五教料揀之「法界與三大」 61
二、五教料揀之「一心」 64
三、五教料揀之「如來不斷性惡」 65
四、五教料揀之「始成正覺」 69
五、五教料揀之「無常」 69
六、小結 71
第四章 「一心」與「法界」 72
第一節 「一心」即是「真心」 72
一、「心」的兩種含義 72
二、智儼與法藏論「一心」 72
三、澄觀與宗密論「一心」 78
第二節 鮮演對「一心」的理解 86
一、一切諸法「真心」所現 86
二、「心」即「本覺一心」 91
三、「靈知」即是心性 93
第三節 「一心」統攝「法界」 95
一、「四法界」與「一真法界」 95
二、「一真法界」與「一心」 98
第四節 鮮演對「無障礙法界」的理解 100
一、法藏、澄觀、宗密論「無障礙法界」 101
二、《華嚴經玄談決擇記》中的「無障礙法界」 107
第五章 「理事」與「十玄」 111
第一節 鮮演的理事觀 111
一、十門釋理事無礙 111
二、「理事」、「本末」及「真妄交徹」 114
三、十句辨非一非異 117
四、反思與小結 123
第二節 鮮演的「十玄」教學 128
一、「十玄門」的演變 128
二、鮮演的「十玄」教學 137
第六章 鮮演華嚴思想與諸宗思想的關聯 152
第一節 鮮演對天台宗思想的吸收與改造 152
一、三諦止觀的導入 152
二、五重中道的提出 154
第二節 鮮演對法相宗思想的引用與發揮 158
一、法相要義的援用 158
二、三性思想的決擇 159
第三節 鮮演對禪修的批評與禪門的辨析 163
一、偏執禪教的批評 163
二、頓漸要義的申論 166
第七章 結論 171
參考文獻 174

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