

瑜伽焰口儀軌法會之研究—以佛光山為例=A Study on the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha: A Case Study of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
著者 陳嘉慧 =Chan, Kah-wai
ページ1 - 123
出版サイト https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード瑜伽焰口=the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha; 三善=three virtues; 修行次第=stages of practice; 發菩提心=bodhicitta; 心意識=mind consciousness

This research mainly explores the essentials on the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha , including the tracing of the related ideas and classics on which it is based, and the analysis of interviews and opinion surveys to further understand how it can be carried out under the deferred traditions in the past. It has profound and rich significance for modern practice. On the one hand, I hope to understand how this is a convenient way to guide all living beings, and how to include the self-interest and altruism of Mahayana Buddhism; on the other hand, I want to think about the possibility of it being compatible with Fo Guang Shan’s purpose of "purifying people's hearts through mutual practice" sex. Therefore, this article first interprets the relevant interpretations of the the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha, combined with the "Generalized Methodology", " Mahayana Treatise on the Five Skandhas ", " The Treatise on the “Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas” , "Yogacarabhumi Sastra", etc. I hope to clarify the common principle of ritual practice-gaining the benefits through observation and practice; and on-site visits to the Fo Guang Shan monastry where the puja is held to learn about the current development status, and to visit and participate in the practice of the puja The experience of the participants and the participants explains how they perceive the transformation of their personal consciousness or mind through the chanting and recitation of the ritual texts, and the transformation of their minds, and how they can build confidence in the Dharma, understanding and understanding of the Dharma. The way of practice reflects the spirit and care of human Buddhism. Under the principle of "corresponding to the three karma, the path is high, the path is high, and the mastery of study", this article finds that the main meaning of the spread of the Ritual Practice of Yogacara Ulkā-mukha, is to open the separation of all beings (self and others) through the power of mutual practice. Increasing the cause and condition from evil to good is to cultivate a correct attitude towards life, connect life and life, and then be consciously altruistic-this is the goal of cultivation corresponding to Mahayana Buddhism and Human Buddhism.
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
圖目次 VII
表目次 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻回顧 3
一、儀軌 3
二、當代學者研究成果分析 7
三、本文研究的文獻依據 18
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 18
一、研究範圍 18
二、研究方法 19
第四節 本文章節大要 24
第二章 「瑜伽焰口」的歷史源流與發展 25
第一節 瑜伽焰口釋名與法會起源 25
一、解釋名義 25
二、法會起源 27
第二節 「瑜伽焰口」儀軌修誦法之流傳與發展 28
一、瑜伽焰口儀軌修誦法之源流 28
二、儀軌修誦法之發展概況 30
第三節 佛光山瑜伽焰口法會緣起 34
一、佛光山啟建焰口法會之緣起-普門寺 34
第三章 瑜伽焰口之儀軌作法與實修原則 39
第一節 瑜伽焰口儀軌之內容結構與意涵 40
一、儀軌內容分析 40
二、法會儀軌程序 53
第二節 持咒的意義與實修意涵 56
一、咒語類別 56
二、實修意涵 56
第三節 佛光山瑜伽焰口法會的發展概況 58
一、法會活動概況 58
二、法會空間結構與佈置方式 59
三、修誦儀軌作法 61
第四章 修誦瑜伽焰口儀軌與心意識轉化之關係 66
第一節 修行的目的與心意識的轉化 67
一、修行的初善、中善與後善:自利、他利 67
二、心意識轉化的重要性 69
第二節 與瑜伽焰口儀軌相應的修行原則 71
一、信敬三寶 71
二、如理作意 74
三、發菩提心 78
第三節 參與法會歷程與心意識轉化之關係 83
一、對於經懺刻板印象的重新省思—超渡眾生 83
二、在修行上的自我惕勵—覺察、反省、回薰 86
三、懺悔業障 89
第五章 結論 91
第一節 本文研究成果 91
第二節 檢討與建議 93
參考書目 94
附錄一 研究成果資料之分析 104
附錄二 訪談資料與內容 107
附錄三 問卷調查表 117
附錄四 訪談大綱 120
附錄五 研究問卷個人表 121
附錄六 訪談同意書 123

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