

《法華經》在越南的翻譯、傳承與其對越南的影響──以華嚴寺為例=The Translation, Transmission and Influence of the Lotus Sutra in Vietnam – A Case Study of Huayen Temple
著者 黎清海 (著)=Le, Thanh-hai (au.)
ページ1 - 297
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード《法華經》=Lotus Sutra; 越南=Vietnam; 翻譯=Translation; 傳承=Religious transmission; 影響=Influence

The objective of this thesis is to study the translation, transmissionand influence impact of the Lotus Sutra in Vietnam by taking Huayen Temple as a case study. Buddhism has already entered Vietnam for more than two thousand years. As a foreign religion, once in Vietnam, it has to adapt itself so as to meet the cultural, political, customary and other expectations of the Vietnam society. Along the way, Buddhism has accompanied the nation getting through a number of disasters; sometimes, it was considered the religion of the state such as in the Dynasty of Li, and Chen. Even the time has now come to the twenty first century, and having been through a few ups and downs, Buddhism remains an indispensable religion in Vietnam. In particular, the influence of the Lotus Sutra on Vietnamese Buddhists is deep and far-reaching, both in the aspects of doctrines and devotional faith, and the cultivation methods, all are highly revered by the Vietnamese people. Whenever Lotus Sutra are mentioned, Vietnamese Buddhists know it to be a very efficacious sutra; for example, prostration to the Lotus Sutra will result in redemption and generating good fortune, reciting the name of Bodhisattva Guanyin would enable ones to be away from encountering calamities etc. In the present day Vietnamese society, the Lotus Sutra has become the core of the cultivation practice in most “Fahua-centered temples”, and much endeavor has been made to promote it to an even wider public.
Some key points of this study are as below:
1. This study focused on searching for historical data of Vietnamese Buddhism extant today and provided analysis by comparing with other research data to show how the Lotus Sutra was translated and transmitted down the history in Vietnam, and conclusions were made in the end.
2. A field study approach was employed whereby personal interview was undertaken to collect data. The duration of all interviews lasted for about two months, a total of 29 respondents were interviewed and grouped into two (including the abbot of Huayen Temple in Ho Chi Minh City, and those lay Buddhists associated with Fahua-centered temples). Interviewed data were then analyzed in-depth, and findings in relation to its impact on Vietnamese society were discussed, and recommendations were offered. It is hoped that more and more people are benefited from Buddhism, the society will turn into a pure land, and more people can gain the grace and the wisdom from the Buddha.
目次摘要 I
銘謝 IV
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VII
表格目錄 VIII
第 一 章: 緒論 1
第一節: 研究動機與目的 2
第二節: 研究方法與範圍 3
第三節: 文獻回顧 4
第四節: 研究困難、限制與大綱略述 17
第 二 章: 《法華經》之成立與流傳過程 20
第一節: 《法華經》之成立 20
一: 佛說《法華經》的時間與地點 20
二: 《法華經》在大乘經典的地位 25
第二節: 《法華經》之流傳歷史 26
第三節: 《法華經》之結構與內容大意 30
一: 《法華經》之結構 30
二: 《法華經》之內容大意 35
第 三 章: 《法華經》在越南之譯者與譯本 44
第一節: 越南佛教的傳入與譯經事業之起源 44
一: 越南佛教的傳入歷史 44
二: 譯經事業的起源 47
第二節: 《法華經》在越南之翻譯起源 49
第三節: 《法華經》在越南之譯者與譯本 50
一: 漢譯本時期 51
二: 漢喃譯本的時期 52
三: 國語譯本的時期 59
第四節: 《法華經》在越南的譯本價值 63
第 四 章: 研究方法與個案設計 66
第一節: 研究方法與研究流程 66
一: 研究方法 66
二: 研究架構與流程 67
第二節: 個案設計 71
一: 華嚴寺簡介 71
二: 「法華道場」的成立與運作 72
三: 訪談對象 76
四: 訪談問題大綱 82
第三節: 信度與效度 85
一: 信度 85
二: 效度 87
第 五 章: 訪談資料分析 88
第一節: 從修行觀念分析 88
第二節: 從觀音信仰與其他信仰面分析 93
一: 觀音信仰面 93
二: 其他信仰 96
第三節: 從個人背景面分析 99
第四節: 從社會面分析 103
一: 令他人發心修行 103
二: 從文學面 105
三: 從心靈修行、安生社會、經濟、道德、生態等面 106
第 六 章: 結論與展望 109
第一節: 結論 109
第二節: 展望 110
參考書目 112
佛典 112
專書 113
論文 115
工具書 116
網路資料 116
附錄 118
附錄一:訪談邀請函 118
附錄二:A類的逐字搞 119
附錄三:B類的逐字搞 156

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