聖嚴法師對《楞嚴經》的立場與解讀=Master Sheng Yen’s Attitude and Interpretation of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra |
著者 |
陳陶 (著)=Chen, Tao (au.)
掲載誌 |
2021 第八屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會
出版年月日 | 2021.06.29 |
出版者 | 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 聖嚴法師=Master Shengyen; 《楞嚴經》=the Śūraṅgama Sutra; 立場=Attitude; 學術=Academics; 信仰=Belief |
抄録 | 《楞嚴經》的疑偽問題在近代引起軒然大波,支那內學院力主《楞嚴經》為中國人所偽造,呂澂更作〈楞嚴百偽〉,逐項指陳《楞嚴經》之偽妄。雖然學界反對者眾,但是佛教界人士,大抵基於宗教信仰的立場,本著舊有的見解,為《楞嚴經》辯護,如印光、虛雲、太虛等大師,其中,湣生法師更作《辨破〈楞嚴百偽〉》,逐項反駁〈楞嚴百偽〉的質疑。
The apocryphal question of the Śūraṅgama sūtra has caused a great uproar in modern times. The China Institute of Inner Learning (Zhina Neixue Yuan 支那內學院) advocates that the Śūraṅgama sūtra should be composed in China. Lu Cheng even wrote the Śūraṅgama Hundred Falseness to prove that the Śūraṅgama sutra is apocryphal sutra item by item. Although there are many opponents in the academic circle, people in the Buddhist circle, mostly based on the standpoint of religious beliefs, defend the Śūraṅgama sūtra, such as Masters Yinguang, Xuyun, Taixu, etc. Among them, Master Mingsheng even wrote the Contradicting of Śūraṅgama Hundred Falseness to refute the doubts of the Śūraṅgama Hundred Falseness item by item.
As the heir of the Linji and Caodong, Master Shengyen attaches great importance toto Japan to obtain a doctorate degree, is also very clear about the modern academic circles' questions about the Śūraṅgama sūtra. Therefore, it is very interesting and meaningful to examine Shengyen's position and interpretation of the Śūraṅgama sūtra.
Firstly, this article analyzes the relationship between Shengyen and the Śūraṅgama sūtra in his early years, to see Shengyen’s emotions towards the Śūraṅgama sūtra and the benefits he obtained. Then the article explores, after studying in Japan in his middle age, how do Shengyen to deal with the relationship between personal feelings about the Śūraṅgama sūtra and the doubts about the Śūraṅgama sūtra by modern academic circles. At that time, what was Shengyen's position on the Śūraṅgama sūtra? Finally, the article sorts out the interpretation and promotion of the Śūraṅgama sūtra by Shengyen in his later years to see how he promotes the Śūraṅgama sūtra under the tension of academics and belief. |
ヒット数 | 1139 |
作成日 | 2022.06.14 |
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