古傳日本之中國涅槃圖研究=The Study of Chinese Nirvana Paintings Transported to Japan |
著者 |
林笛 (著)
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 125 |
出版者 | 國立中央大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立中央大學 |
学部・学科名 | 藝術學研究所 |
指導教官 | 巫佩蓉 |
卒業年 | 104 |
キーワード | 傳日涅槃圖; 圖像變化; 絹本佛畫; 古傳; 日本收藏 |
抄録 | 涅槃圖泛指釋迦牟尼佛肉身死亡,擺脫輪迴入滅的佛教圖像,多塑造躺臥的釋迦姿態及見證涅槃的眾生群像,屬於佛傳故事畫的範疇。涅槃圖的圖像問題與其在美術史上的流傳與變化有直接的關係,該圖像在佛傳圖的基本框架內,曾演變出不同的區域性和階段性特質,涅槃所象徵的「生死」意涵也隨之豐富化。
Nirvana paintings generally refer to the images that depict the death of the Buddha Shakyamuni. In this type of paintings, Shakyamuni lies on a dais or a bier, and is surrounded by numbers of deities, disciples, and animals. Death releases the Buddha from the cycles of rebirth, and makes him enter the realm of nirvana. The scene of his death is part of the narrative paintings of Shakyamuni’s life.
This thesis analyzes several cases of Chinese nirvana paintings on silk or paper transported to Japan in ancient times, including the works from the Southern Song Dynasty to those from the Qing Dynasty. Although scholars have discussed these paintings individually, the whole picture of the development remains unclear. The main concern of the author is the transformation of the pictorial presentations of the Nirvana paintings in history. The reasons for the various appearance of the images are complicated, including regional differences and periodical trends.
This thesis will first focus on a group of paintings made in the Song and the Yuan Dynasties. These include the Nirvana of the Buddha by Lu Xinzhong, the Nirvana of the Buddha in the possession of Nakanoboji Temple in Aichi Prefecture, and the Nirvana of the Buddha in Kyoto Chofukuji Temple. They share some similar characteristics from the eastern Zhejiang coast area, but also show varieties.
The other major part of this thesis mainly probes into four important nirvana paintings from the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, including Nirvana of the Buddha formerly attributed to Wu Bin, Nirvana of the Buddha by Sun Yi, as well as two anonymous paintings, one in the Shofuku-ji Temple and the other in the Shuntoku-ji Temple of the Nagasaki Prefecture. These paintings show radical transformation and deviate from the tradition. They enrich the nirvana scenes with elements from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism and reflect the new expectations of the believers. |
目次 | 論文摘要 i Abstractii 致謝辭 iii 目錄 iv 緒論 1 第一章 涅槃圖的概念與唐宋時期資料 8 第一節 涅槃圖的基本概念 8 第二節 中國文獻記載的涅槃圖 19 第三節 北宋淨眾院涅槃圖 28 第二章 傳日的宋元涅槃圖 31 第一節 傳日的宋元涅槃圖 32 (一)奈良國立博物館藏陸信忠《涅槃圖》 32 (二)愛知中之坊寺藏《涅槃圖》 35 (三)京都長福寺本藏《涅槃圖》 37 第二節 宋元時期涅槃圖的意涵及演化 40 第三章 傳日的明清涅槃圖之變化 44 第一節 傳吳彬筆《涅槃圖》 44 第二節 傳日的明清涅槃圖 53 (一)孫億《涅槃圖》 53 (二)長崎聖福寺藏《涅槃圖》 55 (三)長崎春德寺藏《涅槃圖》 57 第三節 明清涅槃圖像的表現與變化 60 結論 67 參考資料 70 圖版 77
ヒット数 | 345 |
作成日 | 2022.06.23 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.09 |

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