豐子愷與《護生畫集》的編繪=Feng Tzi-kai and the Drawing and Compilation of Drawings on Animal Protection |
著者 |
高明芳 (著)=Kao, Ming-fang (au.)
掲載誌 |
國史館學術集刊=Bulletin of Academia Historica
巻号 | n.13 |
出版年月日 | 2007.09.01 |
ページ | 209 - 239 |
出版者 | 國史館 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 護生畫集=Drawings on Animal Protection; 豐子愷=Feng Tzi-kai; 弘一法師=Master Hong Yi; 廣洽法師=Master Kung Chia |
抄録 | 豐子愷(1898-1975),是五四新文化運動以後,一位多才多藝的新知識份子。他的一生,在繪畫、文學、文藝理論、音樂教育、翻譯、書法等領域裡,都有相當耀眼的成果。 特別是他的漫畫、插圖、封面設計、兒童文學以及散文隨筆,都爲當時的文藝界所熟知。由於受到李叔同的啟發,豐子愷對於音樂、繪畫和藝術知識的普及教育,也有著功不可沒的貢獻。 豐子愷是一位生活的藝術家,貫穿他作品的主要基調,是一份洋溢著赤子情懷的良善與愛心,《護生畫集》的編繪,最能凸顯這份良善的立意與特質。在他長達六十一年的筆耕繪畫生涯中,《護生畫集》的編繪,前後相繼持續了四十六年的時間。 在這漫長的時光中,從第1集五十幅至第6集一百幅,豐子愷歷經了生命中的青年、壯年和老年時期。這長久堅持的背後,那強大支撐的力量,是來自豐子愷對承諾的信守,以及對弘一法師終生不渝的孺慕和感懷。
Feng Tzi-kai (1898-1975) was a talented intellect after the New May 4th Movement. During his lifetime, he had accomplished a great deal in drawing, writing, literary theories, music education, translation, calligraphy, etc. He was most noted for his comic strips, illustrations, cover designs, children's literature, prose and other writings. Inspired by Lee Shu-tung, he dedicated himself to the promulgation of music, drawing, and art, and had had great contributions therein. Feng Tzi-kai was a ”life” artist. The main tune that appearaed throughout his works was simple child-like goodness and love for life. The compilation of Drawings on Animal Protection was the best example of such goodness. Throughout the 61 years of writing and drawing, the compilation of Drawings on Animal Protection persisted for 46 years! During this long process of creation, from the first collection (with 50 drawings) to the sixth (with 100 drawings), Feng Tzi-kai went through his youth, his prime, and his old age. The sustaining power behind the work was his commitment to life and life-protection, and his admiration of and gratitude to the great teacher-Master Hong Yi. |
目次 | 摘要 209 Abstract 210 壹、前言 211 貳、《護生畫集》編繪緣起 212 參、《護生畫集》畫材的搜尋及出版 217 肆、《護生畫集》第1集重寫及重繪之經過 222 伍、《護生畫集》第1集至第6集的編繪風格 225 (一)《護生畫集》第1與第2集 226 (二)《護生畫集》第3集 229 (三)《護生畫集》第4集 231 (四)《護生畫集》第5集 231 (五)《護生畫集》第6集 233 陸、豐子愷編繪《護生畫集》的意義 234 柒、結語 236 徵引書目 238 |
ISSN | 17267331 (P) |
DOI | 10.7058/BAH.200709.0209 |
ヒット数 | 166 |
作成日 | 2022.11.18 |
更新日期 | 2022.11.18 |

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