임진왜란 의승군 활동과 그 불교사적 의미=The Actions of the Righteous Buddhist Army (Eui'seung-gun/義僧軍) during the War with the Japanese that broke out in 1592, and the Meaning of their actions in the history of Buddhism in Korea |
著者 |
김용태 (著)=Kim, Yong-tae (au.)
掲載誌 |
보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought
巻号 | v.37 n.0 |
出版年月日 | 2012 |
ページ | 229 - 256 |
出版者 | 普照思想研究院 |
出版地 | Korea [韓國] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 韓文=Korean |
ノート | 저자정보: 동국대학교 HK교수 |
キーワード | Imjin Wae'ran=壬辰倭亂=The War with the Japanese that broke out in 1592; Righteous Buddhist Army=Eui'seung-gun=義僧軍; Cheong'heo Hyu'jeong=淸虛休靜; Sa'myeong Yu'jeong=四溟惟政; Loyalty and Righteousness=忠義 |
抄録 | 1592년부터 7년간 지속된 壬辰倭亂은 朝鮮의 명운을 좌우하는 전쟁이었고 불교사에서도 일종의 전환기적 사건이었다. 본고에서는 임진왜란 때 義僧軍을 이끈 淸虛 休靜과 그 문도들의 면모, 의승군의 활동과 업적을 살펴보았고 이어 승려의 전란 참여에 따른 폐해와 종교적 수요의 확대, 불교에 대한 사회적 인식의 제고와 의승군 활동의 불교사적 의미 등을 검토해 보았다. 휴정은 조선시대 불교를 대표하는 승려로서 임진왜란 때 八道都摠攝을 역임하였고 四溟 惟政 등 그의 문도들이 각지에서 5천여 명에 이르는 의승군의 활동을 이끌었다. 의승군은 平壤, 幸州山城 등의 주요 전투에 참전하였고 水軍으로서도 크게 활약하였으며 山城 축조, 군량 조달 등을 주도하였다. 유정의 경우 講和교섭과 전후 외교에서 중요한 역할을 담당하였다. 전쟁으로 인적, 경제적 손실과 수행기풍의 퇴조 등 불교계가 큰 피해를 입은 것은 사실이다. 반면 승군 조직과 노동력 활용이 이후 관례화되면서 승려의 자격과 활동이 공식적으로 인정되었고 이는 불교 존립의 제도적 기반이 되었다. 또한 전란은 불교의 종교적 효용성을 부각시켰고, 무엇보다 국가적 위기를 구한 忠義의 공적으로 인해 불교에 대한 사회적 인식이 바뀌고 위상이 제고되었다. 이에 불교는 조선후기 사회에서 당당히 지분을 확보할 수 있었다.
Imjin Wae'ran(壬辰倭亂), the war in which the Joseon people fought the Japanese troops which invaded the Korean peninsula in 1592, continued for seven years and naturally had huge repercussions for the entire Joseon dynasty. Yet it was also an important turning point for the Joseon Buddhist community as well. Examined in this article are the actions of a Buddhist master named Cheong'heo Hyu'jeong/淸虛 休靜 and the actions of his disciples, and also the efforts and accomplishments of the Righteous Buddhist Army (Eui'seung-gun/義僧軍) which was led by Cheong'heo Hyu'jeong. Also examined are what kind of sacrifices the Buddhist priests were forced to make, how they were compensated for their efforts, how the public's view of Buddhism changed for the better, and what was the general meaning of the Euiseung-gun's activities during the war in terms of the history of Korean Buddhism. Hyu'jeong was a Buddhist master who represented the Buddhist community in Joseon at the time. When the war broke out, he served as General Master in Command of the Eight Provinces' Buddhist Society("Paldo Do-Chong'seob"/ 八道都摠攝), and his disciples including Sa'myeong Yu'jeong/四溟 惟政 commanded more than five thousand Righteous Buddhist troops all around the country. They joined major battles at Pyeong'yang/平壤 and the Haengju Sanseong/幸州山城 fortress, as well as several battles at sea, and also led other types of wartime efforts such as constructing fortresses or transporting food supplies. Yu'jeong was also responsible for taking over important diplomatic negotiations for a cease fire to end the war peacefully. Yet during the war, the Buddhist community also had to suffer massive human losses and economic damages. The Buddhist priests' general trend of concentrating in character-building exercises took a hit as well. But as it became a general practice to utilize the Buddhist troop organizations and their labor force (even after the war), the social status of the Buddhist priests were reviewed and newly recognized, and such new recognition became an important institutional platform for future Buddhist activities. The war ironically highlighted the importance and religious merits of Buddhism once again, and the public's perception of the Buddhist community changed entirely, as they came to view it as an embodiment of loyalty and righteousness, and an organization which managed to save the country from a dynastic crisis as well. The Buddhist community finally secured a supportive base inside the Joseon society.
目次 | 머리말 232
I. 청허 휴정과 그의 문도 233
II. 임진왜란의 의승군 활동 240
III. 의승군 활동의 불교사적 의미 맺음말 245 |
ISSN | 12297968 (P) |
DOI | http://doi.org/10.22859/bojoss.2012..37.006 |
ヒット数 | 149 |
作成日 | 2023.01.31 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.31 |

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