

佛陀對羅睺羅教育的探討=An Exploration of the Education for Rāhula by the Buddha
著者 釋道輔 (著)=藍郁瑛 (au.)
出版サイト https://website.fgu.edu.tw/?locale=zh_tw
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官釋永東=Shi, Yung-dong
キーワード羅睺羅=Rahula; 佛說未曾有因緣經=the Adbhuta-hetu-sūtra; 佛教教育=Buddhist education; 羅云; 羅雲; 羅怙羅; Bodhicitta; Prajna; Mahayana; meditation; mental education; mind training; brain plasticity
抄録This paper aims to present an integrated work on exploring the Buddhist education for Rāhula under the Buddha. Regarding the 3W- As we (who) are now still the sentient beings; still reincarnate (where) in the Sahā world, and at time (when) of the Latter Dharma. Therefore Master Rāhula, a bridge connecting the three Vehicles – from Śrāvakahood through Bodhisattvahood to Buddhahood, could exemplify us a paradigm on how to practice Buddhism, penetrate all Dharmas and thereby to achieve Enlightenment.
Firstly the historical review of chronology between the Buddha and Rāhula in a parallel time sequence is presented. Proceeding with the renunciation and practice of Rāhula, through the text of the Adbhuta-hetu-sūtra 佛說未曾有因緣經, with partial translation related with Rāhula and the investigation into this text is offered. Regarding the Buddhist education, we will analyze it through three dimensions looking into the Buddha’s teaching, and the method applied. Subsequently followed the description of Rāhula recorded in the Vinaya texts. Finally, we will examine the transformation of Rāhula, through the approach of Chinese philosophy, as well as of Western moral development model, to review the influence and fruition brought by the Buddhist education.
目次Abstract Ⅰ
Acknowledgements Ⅲ
Table of Contents Ⅳ
Table List Ⅴ
Abbreviation Ⅵ
ChapterⅠ: Introduction 1
Ⅰ.1 Motivation and Purpose 2
Ⅰ.2 Problem Statement 7
Ⅰ.3 Literature Review 11
Ⅰ.4 Methodology 20
ChapterⅡ: Historical Review of Rāhula 23
П.1 Chronology of the Buddha and Rāhula 23
П.2 Related Sūtras with Name of Rāhula 25
ChapterⅢ: Renunciation and Practice of Rāhula 49
Ⅲ.1 Translation of the Adbhuta-hetu-sūtra (Part Related with Rāhula) 49
Ⅲ.2 Investigation into the Adbhuta-hetu-sūtra 63
ChapterⅣ: Education Model Designed by the Buddha for Rāhula 80
Ⅳ.1 Three Dimensions of the Buddha’s teaching 81
Ⅳ.1.1 Bodhicitta Mentors (Śāriputra/Maitreya/Buddha) 84
Ⅳ.1.2 Symbolic Meaning (Wisdom/Compassion/Zeal &; Effort) 84
Ⅳ.1.3 Method (Śrāvakayāna/Bodhisattvayāna/Buddhayāna) 86
Ⅳ.2 From Śrāvakahood through Bodhisattvahood to Buddhahood 88
Ⅳ.2.1 Nonself – Basic Principle to Surpass the Samsāra 89
Ⅳ.2.2 Altruism – the Highest Stage of Nonself 90
Ⅳ.2.3 Equanimity - Reciprocity with Compassion and Wisdom 90
ChapterⅤ: Transformation of Rāhula by Buddhist Education 96
Ⅴ.1 Transformation of Rāhula 96
Ⅴ.1.1 Descriptions of Rāhula in the Vinaya texts 97
Ⅴ.1.2 Practice and Liberation of Rāhula 101
Ⅴ.2 Buddha’s Expectation on Rāhula 102
Ⅴ.2.1 Approach of Chinese Philosophical Model 104
Ⅴ.2.2 Approach of Western Moral Development Model 108
ChapterⅥ: Conclusion 112
Bibliography 118
Table List
Table 1.1- Literature topic on “Biography” 11
Table 1.2- Literature topic on “Text Study (TS) / Text Interpretation (TI) / Text Transcription (TT)” 12
Table 1.3- Literature topic on “Buddhist Education” 13
Table 1.4- Literature topic on “Practice / Insight Meditation (IM)” 14
Table 1.5- Literature topic on “Ethic / Moral” 15
Table 1.6- Literature topic on “Vinaya / School / Lineage” 16
Table 1.7- Literature topic on “Buddhist Art / Encyclopedia” 16
Table 2.1- The chronology of the Buddha and Rāhula 23
Table 2.2- Āgama Section阿含部- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 25
Table 2.3- Jātaka闍陀伽/本生Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 26
Table 2.4- Prajñā 般若Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 28
Table 2.5- Huafa法華Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 28
Table 2.6- Huayan華嚴Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 29
Table 2.7- Baoji寶積Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 30
Table 2.8- Nirvāṇa 涅槃Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 30
Table 2.9- Daji大集Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 31
Table 2.10- Jingji經集(Suttanipāta) Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 33
Table 2.11- Mijiao 密教 (Tantrism) Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 35
Table 2.12- Lü 律部 (Vinaya) Section- texts with Rāhula’s name “羅睺(羅)” 37
Table 2.13- Texts with Rāhula’s name “羅雲” 38
Table 2.14- Texts with Rāhula’s name “羅云” 40
Table 2.15- Texts with Rāhula’s name “羅怙羅” 44
Table 2.16- Texts with Rāhula’s name “羅護羅” 46
Table 2.17- Texts of co-existent different Chinese translation names for Rāhula 46
Table 4.1- Bodhicitta mentors for Rāhula 83
Table 5.1- Reference for Rāhula recorded in the Vinaya texts 97
Table 5.2- Reference for Rāhula recorded in the Vinaya texts根本說一切有部毘奈耶 Mūla-sarvâstivāda-vinaya-vibhaṅga (Vinaya-bhaṅga) 97
Table 5.3- Descriptions related with Rāhula recorded in the Vinaya text 98
Table 5.4- Buddhist education for Rāhula examined by the moral development model 108
Diagram 1- the development of Sainthood based on Bodhicitta 83

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