

ゴク・ロデンシェーラプ著『『般若心〔経〕の広大注』の解説』校訂テクストと訳注=rNgog Blo ldan shes rab’s Shes rab snying po’i rgya cher ’grel gyi bshad pa: A Critical Edition and Annotated Japanese Translation
著者 堀内俊郎 (著)=Horiuchi, Toshio (au.)
掲載誌 Bulletin of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies=国際仏教学研究所紀要
ページ107 - 140
出版者Tokyo International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.icabs.ac.jp/en/
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
抄録rNgog Blo ldan shes rab’s (1059-1109) Shes rab snying po’i rgya cher ’grel gyi bshad pa(hereafter rNgog) is a kind of sub-commentary on Vimalamitra’s commentary on the Heart Sutra (hereafter HS), named, *Āryaprajñāpāramitāhṛdayaṭīkā (hereafter PHT). In this article, I present a critical edition and annotated Japanese translation of the rNgog. After a careful comparison with the PHT and other texts, this article clarifies the following important points, which were not addressed or were misunderstood in previous studies:
1. The rNgog is definitely a kind of sub-commentary on the PHT. However, this text is occasionally critical of the PHT. The following points attest to this. 1. The PHT presents a synopsis that divides the HS into eight categories. Although rNgog Blo ldan shes rab mentions this, he himself divides the HS into five categories. 2. In his explanation for the word evam (thus) in the HS, rNgog refers to the PHT’s interpretation as being “explained a little wrongly.” 3. In his explanation for the word dharmaparyāya in the HS, rNgog introduces the PHT’s interpretation in an auxiliary manner, rather than addressing it as the primary interpretation.

2. rNgog interprets the word caryā (practice) in the HS based on three viewpoints (a-c below) and allots it to the eleven bodhisattva stages. He then provides two interpretations.
The second interpretation is as follows:
((0) Adhimukti-practice: Stage of ordinary beings)
(a) The basis of practice: The first stage (purification of thought)
(b) The characteristic of practice:
From the second stage to the seventh stage
The eighth stage (the determined practice that is not combined with effort)
(c) The result of practice: 9th, 10th, and 11th [stages]

3. rNgog provides the following interpretation for the phrase rūpaṃ śūnyatā and so on in the HS, just as the PHT does.
(1) rūpaṃ śūnyatā > denial of the ultimate rūpa
(2) śūnyataiva rūpam > establishment of a conventional rūpa
> refutation of Vaibhāṣika and so on
(3) rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā > denial of the incorrect understanding of emptiness
(4) śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpam > denial of the existence of rūpa as an [outside] thing
> refutation of Sautrāntika

4. rNgog states that the perfection of wisdom as well as the bodhi, or awakening, are not recognized or established as existing elements.

5. rNgog states that although no element is established (i) in the perfection of wisdom which is the object of a bodhisattva’s relying upon and (ii) in the “supreme, right awakening (anuttara-samyaksaṃbodhi),” which is its goal, the effort by a bodhisattva is not in vain. The reason for this is that the result of effort by a bodhisattva is not the obtainment of the perfection of wisdom or supreme, right awakening as an existent thing; rather, it is just the abandonment of wrong views.
目次はじめに 107
1. ゴク注の特色 108
2. テクストと和訳についての凡例 109
3. Synopsis of bCom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po rgya cher bshad pa 110
4. テクストと和訳(C111-118, P360-368)111
[1](〔『広大注』の〕最初の語句の意味) 112
[2](〔『心経』〕経典本体(sūtraśarīra)の設定) 117
[3](〔経典本体の〕支分の分類) 119
[4](完了した作業) 137
略号・文献 137
ISSN24343587 (P); 24344397 (E)

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