

Monastic Education in Korea: Teaching Monks About Buddhism in the Modern Age
著者 Kaplan, Uri (著)
出版者University of Hawai’i Press
出版サイト https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/
出版地Honolulu, HI, US [檀香山, 夏威夷州, 美國]
シリーズContemporary Buddhism
ノートUri Kaplan is lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
抄録What do Buddhist monks learn about Buddhism? Which part of their enormous canonical and non-canonical literature do they choose to focus on as the required curriculum in their training, and what do they elect to leave out? The cultural depository of Buddhism includes some four thousand canonical texts, hundreds of other historical works, modern textbooks, oral traditions, and more recently, an increasingly growing body of online material. The sheer diversity of this mass of information makes the pedagogical choices of monastics worthy of close study.

Monastic Education in Korea is essentially a biography of the Korean Buddhist monastic curriculum over the past five centuries. Based on extensive ethnographic work and archival research in Korean monasteries, it illustrates how a particular premodern syllabus was reimagined in the twentieth century to become the sole national Korean monastic pedagogical program—only to be criticized and completely restructured in recent years. Through a detailed analysis of these modifications, the work demonstrates how Korean Buddhist reformers today tend to imitate the educational practices and canonize the textual totems of the contemporary international discipline of Buddhist studies, and how, by doing so, they ultimately transform the local Korean tradition from a particular brand of Chinese-centered scholastic Chan into the inclusive, pluralistic, Indian-focused Buddhism common in English-language introductions to the religion.

The book further examines the proliferation of diverse graduate schools for the sangha, as well as the creation of a novel examination system for all monastics. It reveals some of the realities of operating large monastic organizations in contemporary Asia and portrays a living, vibrant Buddhist community that is constantly negotiating with modern values and reformulating its core orthodoxies.
目次Frontmatter i
Contents vii
List of Tables ix
Series Editor’s Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction: What Should Buddhist Monks Know about Buddhism? 1
CHAPTER ONE. The Traditional Curriculum 12
CHAPTER TWO. Monastic Education in Twentieth-Century Korea 40
CHAPTER THREE. Buddhism Simulating Buddhist Studies: Twenty-First-Century Reforms 70
CHAPTER FOUR. Toward Buddhist Pluralism: Monastic Graduate Schools and Internationalization 96
CHAPTER FIVE. Monastic Examinations and Bureaucratic Ranks 118
Conclusions 141
Appendix A: Chogye Order Official Curricula for Monastic Graduate Schools 145
Appendix B: Schedule of the 2014 Chogye Order Postulant Education Program 153
Appendix C: Glossary of Principal Curricular Titles and Terms 161
Notes 165
Bibliography 195
Index 217
ISBN9780824882389 (hc); 9780824889838 (pbk)
  1. Book Review: Monastic Education in Korea: Teaching Monks About Buddhism in the Modern Age by Uri Kaplan / Borchert, Thomas (評論)

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