

中国における末法思想隆暜の : 齣―新發現窄澗谷太平寺摩崖刻經〈金棺經〉の研究=One Scene concerning the Vicissitudes of the Discourse on the Latter Age of the Dharma in China: A Study on the Newly Discovered Text of the Golden Cofiin Sutra(Jinguan-Jing)engraved on the stone wall of the Buddhist cave temple
著者 手島一真 =Tejima, Isshin
掲載誌 法華文化研究=Journal of Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra=ホッケ ブンカ ケンキュウ
ページ47 - 74
出版サイト https://rissho.repo.nii.ac.jp/search?page=1&size=20&sort=custom_sort&search_type=2&q=437
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
抄録It is recognized that the Golden Coffin Sutra (Jinguan-Jing, 金棺経) was produced in the end of the Period of Northern and Southern Dynasties in China, and the sutra contained the discourse on latter age of the Dharma. There were only a few remains that showed the text of the sutra so far. The oldest text remains on the back of the stone stele of the Buddhist statue, which was built in CE 589 under Sui 隋 Dynasty. After that, the many contents were added to the original sutra. The text on the stone slab engraved in the 9th century Tang Dynasty was made by the text added many contents, and it contains almost no missing letters. In the previous article, I published that I discovered a fragmentary text of the Golden Coffin Sutra engraved on the outer stone wall of the cave site, called Taipingsi Temple Cave 太平寺摩崖 in Zhaijian Valley 窄澗谷, Qinyang City 沁陽市, Henan Province 河南省. And as a result of further research, I released that the sutra was engraved along with the building of the stone cave temple and with the making of the inscription which described its background in the late 6th century to early 7th century, etc. The first purpose of this article is to clarify the position of the newly discovered text of the sutra through comparison with the texts of several versions, and the second purpose is to clarify the meaning of the sutra at this cave temple. As a result of the consideration, I made clear the following points : First, the newly discovered text of the sutra was slightly different from the oldest text in existence, but it was still similar to the oldest one. Second, based on the fact that the inscription of the cave temple praised the sincere spirits of the donors, and the fact that the original purpose of this sutra emphasized the necessity of the sincere spirits in the time of transcription of any Buddhist sutras and imaging Buddhist statues, it was revealed that the purpose of engraving the sutra at this site was to criticize a trend which had valued only making books by transcription of sutras and imaging Buddhist statues. It was also revealed that the creator (the monk named Guifa 貴法) and the donors of the cave temple had not forgotten the crisis consciousness of the discourse on latter age of the Dharma beginning from the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, despite that Emperor Wen 文帝 of Sui 隋 Dynasty implemented the revival policy of the Buddhism at that time. Besides, it seems that the situation appeared as an autonomous movement within the religious community.
目次はじめに 47
一 経録に見える金棺経 47
二 〈金棺経〉の刻石趣旨 50
三 金棺経の諸テキストについて 51
〔一〕金棺囑累経 51
A 中國國家圖書館所藏拓本 51
B 憂潜中央研究院所藏拓本 52
C 魯迅筆録本 52
D 侯旭東氏整理本 52
〔二〕〈金棺経〉 53
E 河南省焦作市沁陽市窄澗谷太平寺摩崖(眞谷寺)造像刻経遺跡刻本 53
〔三〕金棺敬幅経 54
F 陳西麟游慈善寺石刻本 54
G 敦煙遺書S二〇八號本(断片一葉) 55
H 唐・開成四(八三九)年四月八日刻房山石経刻本 55
四 金棺経テキスト比較表および考察 56
五 金棺囑累経傍詳 64
傍譯の註 67
おわりに 68
ISSN02871513 (P)

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