

The Treasury of Knowledge: Books Nine and Ten: Journey and Goal: An Analysis of the Spiritual Paths and Levels to Be Traversed and the Consummate Fruition State
著者 Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (著) ; Barron, Richard (譯)=Chökyi Nyima (tr.)
1st edition
出版者Snow Lion Publications
出版サイト http://www.snowlionpub.com/
出版地Ithaca, NY, US [伊薩卡, 紐約州, 美國]
ノートJamgon Kongtrul was a versatile and prolific scholar. He has been characterized as a “Tibetan Leonardo” because of his significant contributions to religion, education, medicine, and politics.
抄録Jamgön Kongtrul’s ten-volume Treasury of Knowledge is a unique, encyclopedic masterpiece embodying the entire range of Buddhist teachings as they were preserved in Tibet. Tibetan Buddhist teachers expected their students to study Buddhist philosophical texts as well as practice reflection and meditation; present-day students have also realized that awakening has its source in study as well as in reflection and practice. Journey and Goal focuses on the spiritual path—the journey and the resultant state of enlightenment to which it leads—the goal. Extensively varied perspectives are offered not only from within the many schools of Buddhism but also from the different levels of practice and attainment. This is in fact the most comprehensive treatment of these themes to appear in the English language.
目次Foreword by the Venerable Khenpo Lodrö Dönyö vii
Translator's Introduction 3

BOOK NINE: An Analysis of the Spiritual Paths and Levels to Be Traversed 25
The Source Verses 27
An Analysis of the Spiritual Paths and Level to Be Traversed 60
Part 1. The Paths and Levels in the Cause-Based Dialectical Approach 61
Part 2. The Levels and Paths in the Vajrayāna 129
Part 3. Conduct: The Process of Enhancement 165
Part 4. The Paths and Levels in the Three Yogas 213

BOOK TEN: An Analysis of the Consummate Fruition State 253
The Source Verses 255
An Analysis of the Consummate Fruition State 283
Part 1. The Fruition in the Dialectical Approach 284
Part 2. The More Common Attainments in the Vajrayāna 333
Part 3. The Fruition in the Vajrayāna 349
Part 4. The Fruition in the Nyingma School 409

The Conclusion of the Treasury of Knowledge 453
The Source Verses 455
The Conclusion of the Treasury of Knowledge 459

Appendix 1: A Concise Verse Summary of the Treasury of Knowledge,
by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé 471
Appendix 2: Outline of Books Nine and Ten 475
Glossary 487
Abbreviations 555
Notes 557
Bibliography of Works Cited by the Author 641
Reference Bibliography 657
Index 671
ISBN9781559393607 (hbc); 9781559397414 (Ebook)

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