

A Mirror Is for Reflection: Understanding Buddhist Ethics
著者 Davis, Jake H. (著) ; Flanagan, Owen (前言)
出版者Oxford University Press
出版サイト https://global.oup.com/?cc=tw
出版地Oxford, UK [牛津, 英國]
ノートAuthor Affiliation: New York University.
キーワードBuddhism; ethics; moral philosophy; religious ethics; mindfulness; karma; narrative; intention; nonself; reincarnation; action theory
抄録This volume offers a snapshot of the present state of academic investigation into the nature of Buddhist ethics. Over the past decade many scholars have come to think that the project of fitting Buddhist ethical thought into Western philosophical categories may be of limited utility, and the focus of investigation has shifted in a number of new directions. Contributions to these recent investigation from many of the leading figures in the academic study of Buddhist philosophy are collected here alongside exciting new work from a number of early-career scholars. Topics include the nature of Buddhist ethics as a whole as well as the role in Buddhist ethics of karma and rebirth, mindfulness, narrative, intention, personhood, agency, free will, politics, anger, and equanimity, among other areas. The volume offers a rich and accessible introduction to contemporary work on Buddhist thought for students and scholars new to this area of philosophy, as well as chapters taking up more technical philosophical and textual topics. The contributors aim to engage Buddhist traditions in a rigorous, critical, and respectful philosophical dialogue, rather than to document these traditions as historical curiosities. The chapters of this volume stand as contributions to the emerging field of cosmopolitan philosophy, demonstrating by example why considering ethical questions such as how we ought to live, act, and train our minds from a plurality of cultural perspectives is itself an ethical imperative today.
目次Foreword: Cross-​Cultural Philosophy and the Moral Project xi
Acknowledgments xix
Contributors xxi
Introduction 1
Part One: Buddhist Ethics and Western Categories
1. "It's Ethics, Jim, but Not as We Know It": Reflections on the Absence of Moral Philosophy in Buddhism 17
2. The Nature of a Buddhist Path 33
3. Buddhist Moral Thought and Western Moral Philosophy 53
Part Two: Constructing Buddhist Ethics
4. Zen Buddhism and the Space of Ethics 73
5. Buddhist Ethics: A Perspective 92
6. Breaking Good: Moral Agency, Neuroethics, and the Spontaneity of Compassion 109
Part Three: Karma and Rebirth
7. Modern and Traditional Understandings of Karma 131
8. Buddhism without Reincarnation? Examining the Prospects of a "Naturalized" Buddhism 146
9. The Problems and Promise of Karma from an Engaged Buddhist Perspective 166
Part Four: Mindfulness, Memory, and Virtue
10. Ethical Reading and the Ethics of Forgetting and Remembering 185
11. Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue, and Perfection 203
12. "When You Know for Yourselves": Mindfulness, Wisdom, and the Qualities of Heart 223
Part Five: Intention and Action
13. The Dynamics of Intention, Freedom, and Habituation according to Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakośabhāṣya 239
14. What Do Buddhists Think about Free Will? 257
15. Buddhist Reductionist Action Theory 276
Part Six: Politics, Anger, and Equanimity
16. The Inherent Dignity of Empty Persons 297
17. Ethics without Justice: Eliminating the Roots of Resentment 315
18. Equanimity in Relationship: Responding to Moral Ugliness 336
Index 353
ISBN9780190499778 (hc); 9780190499761 (pbk); 9780190499792 (online)
  1. Book Review: A Mirror Is for Reflection: Understanding Buddhist Ethics Edited by Jake H. Davis / Arıcan, Bensu (評論)

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