

사문유관의 만달라적 의미 : 존재론적 도식과 방위구조에 나타난 형이상학적 관점을 중심으로=A Comprehensive Study to the Four-doors' Encounter(四門遊觀) of Buddha's Life about its Maṇḍalic-meanings
著者 최연철 (著)=Choi, Youn-chul (au.)
掲載誌 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy
ページ239 - 268
出版サイト http://krindology.com/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 동국대학교(경주 캠퍼스) 강사.
キーワードontological schema; 사문유관=four-door encounters; 방위구조; zrI-yantra; 존재론적 도식; 만달라= maNDala; 형이상학적 중층구조; double-layered structure; directional structure
抄録불교전통에서 붓다의 일생을 전할 때 빠지지 않고 등장하는 ‘사문유관(四門遊觀)’은 동, 남, 서, 북이라는 4방위와 그에 상응하는 노병사(老病死)와 출가행(出家行)의 네 가지 목격담으로 정형화(dramaturgy)되어 있다. 하지만 붓다에게 있어서 깨달음을 위한 철학적 방황의 직접적인 단초가 된 사문유관의 일화가 왜 동-남-서-북 4방위의 출유(出遊)로 정형화된 것인지 딱히 그 이유를 찾기가 쉽지 않다. 본 논문에서는 사문유관에 정형화된 동-남-서-북의 방위구조와 그에 상응하는 [생]노병사와 출가행의 존재론적 도식은 결국 대승불교의 형이상학적 산물로서 정형화된 것임을 고찰하고 있다. 시선축을 중심점이나 수미산에 고정시켜두고 관찰점을 남쪽에 두고 있는 힌두철학의 Śrī-Yantra나 불교의 아비달마적 세계의 실유론적 관점과는 달리 사문유관은 붓다의 존재론적 고민과 출가 그리고 견성과 회향의 일생을 동-남-서-북이라는 방위구조에 중층적으로 담아내고 있는데, 이와 같은 사문유관의 방위구조와 도식에 담긴 대승불교의 형이상학적 의미는 5방불 만달라로 대변되는 대승불교의 밀교적 만달라의 색 배치와 방위구조에 나타난 상징성에서도 살펴볼 수 있다.

In the Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition, the Four-door Encounters(四門遊觀) of Buddha's life is known as the direct motive of the Siddhārtha's renunciation, which is dramatically standardized in its directional structure of the east-south-west-north with corresponded ontological schema of the [birth and] old age, sickness, death and an ascetic. But we do not know exactly that why the directional structure and ontological schema has corresponded in that way. Thus this paper has speculated about its Maṇḍalic-meanings of the Four-door Encounters. Through the speculations in the paper, we can understand that the directional structure and its ontological schema of the Four-door Encounters is eventually standardized as an episodic product of the Mahāyāna Buddhism's metaphysical view. In fact, the Śrī-Yantra's metaphysical view of Hindu philosophy and the Abhidharma's metaphysical view of the Buddhist philosophy have a Self-concerned(實有) view, which is the view from axis(視線軸) is fixed on the Bindu(中心點) or Mt. Kailash(須彌山), and the view to axis(觀察點) is placed from South direction. However, the metaphysical view of the Four-door Encounters is not fixed on the Bindu or South direction. The metaphysical view of the Four-door's Encounter has overlapped Mahāyāna metaphysics as it is figured in its directional structure and ontological schema without the Self-concerned view. The metaphysical view of the Four-door's Encounter is also well figured in the Mahāyāna Tantrac Maṇḍala with its color schema and directional structure corresponded with the Maṇḍala of Five Dhyāna Buddha(五方[禪定]佛). As the Four-door Encounters has a double-layered structure of the Buddha's life, which has a solution process of the ontological question and a dedication process of the great Bodhicitta(菩提心). Likewise, the Maṇḍala of Five Dhyāna Buddha has a double-layered structure in its color schema and directional structure. It means that the Four-door Encounters and the Maṇḍala of Five Dhyāna Buddha are a product of the Mahāyāna Buddhism's metaphysical view as a symbolic collection. In the similar context, Lama Anagarika Govinda(1966) also surmises that the first maṇḍala may have been created when the devout transformed the stūpas that sheltered the relics of the Buddha by adding a path that was surrounded by a stone railing with four gates. Each of the gates marked one of the four important events in the life of the Buddha. If it were, as the stūpas are a starting point of the Mahāyāna Buddhism, it means that the Buddha's life is the Mahāyāna Tantric Maṇḍala itself as a metaphysical symbolic collection.
目次I 머리말. 240
II 불전문학에 나타난 사문유관의 존재론적 도식과 방위구조의 특징. 243
III 힌두철학의 Śrī-Yantra와 불교의 아비달마적 세계에 나타난 형이상학적 관점. 248
IV 대승불교의 밀교적 만달라와 사문유관에 나타난 형이상학적 관점. 257
V 맺음말 262
ISSN12263230 (P)

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