敦煌密教文獻中的觀音信仰與胎產護佑:以四份寫本為中心的考察=The Cult of Guanyin and Protective Blessings for Childbirth in Esoteric Buddhist Materials from Dunhuang: An Analysis of Four Manuscripts |
著者 |
林欣儀 (著)=Lin, Hsin-Yi (au.)
掲載誌 |
華人宗教研究 =Studies in Chinese Religions
巻号 | n.18 |
出版年月日 | 2021.07 |
ページ | 1 - 56 |
出版者 | 政治大學華人宗教研究中心 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 觀音信仰=cult of Guanyin(Avalokiteśvara); 密教=Esoteric Buddhism; 敦煌文獻=Duanhuang manuscripts; 胎產=child birth; 佛道交涉=Buddho-Daoist interaction |
抄録 | 敦煌留存的密教文獻中,有不少涉及求子、胎產護佑和難產處置的陀羅尼或符印,當中又以各種密教形態的觀音信仰為大宗。南北朝至隋唐時期,隨著各類陀羅尼及密教觀音經典的傳譯,其中涉及胎產護佑與療癒的咒語和符印也逐漸流傳。在這些產孕陀羅尼或符印寫本中,混融大量道教符印元素,與其原來所依據之佛典已相當不同。本文首先檢視與觀音有關、提供胎產護佑符咒的大乘與密教佛典,接著聚焦四份敦煌寫本文獻,分析當中符咒文字和圖像內容的意涵,並追溯相關佛典。本文指出,觀音與產孕護佑的連結,在唐代千手千眼觀音系列經典的翻譯後日益強化。此外,有些寫本中以觀音為名、卻以道符型態出現的產孕符印,亦出現於唐宋醫書中。這展現地方儀式的執行者在實踐層面對佛道的創造性揉合,也顯示他們身處於醫道共享的咒禁傳統中。
Among the esoteric Buddhist materials extant from Dunhuang, there are many dhāraṇī and talismanic seals that concern prayers for giving birth, protective blessings for childbirth, and handling difficult births. A large number of these are associated with the cult of Guanyin, who is depicted in various Esoteric Buddhist guises within the works. From the Northern and Southern dynasties to the Sui and Tang, following the translation of various dhāraṇī and esoteric texts related to Guanyin, incantations and talismanic seals for protective blessings for childbirth and healing also gradually came into circulation. The manuscripts that include these dhāraṇī and talismanic seals concerning childbirth and pregnancy were mixed with a great number of elements related to Daoist talismanic seals, a fact that distinguished them from the original Buddhist scriptural sources they were based upon. This article first examines Mahāyāna and Esoteric Buddhist scriptures related to Guanyin, those that offer protective blessings, talismans, and incantations for childbirth. Following this, the paper focuses on four texts unearthed at Dunhuang and analyzes the implications of the talismans, incantations, text, and images contained therein, tracing their precedents in related Buddhist scriptures. As this article indicates, the association of Guanyin with protective blessings for childbirth and pregnancy was strengthened after the translation of a series of scriptures concerning the Thousand-Handed and Thousand Eyed Guanyin (Qianshou qianyan Guanyin 千手千眼觀音) in the Tang dynasty. Furthermore, some talismanic seals for childbirth and pregnancy, though bearing the title of Guanyin, appear in the form of Daoist talismans in some of the manuscripts, which then also later appear in medical books of the Tang and Song. This reveals that the performers of local rituals creatively blend the two religions on a practical level; it also illustrates their situation within the shared space of medicine and Daoism, centered around talismanic seals or divination traditions. |
目次 | 一、前言
二、南北朝至隋唐間的觀音產孕陀羅尼及密教典籍 6
三、四份敦煌文獻當中所見觀音信仰與胎產護佑 20 1. P. 4514 20 2. P. 3920 27 3. P. 3874 31 4. S. 2498 觀世音菩薩符印一卷 40
引用書目 49
ISSN | 23078456 (P) |
DOI | https://www.airitilibrary.com/Common/Click_DOI?DOI=10.6720/SCR.202107_(18).0001 |
ヒット数 | 187 |
作成日 | 2023.10.18 |
更新日期 | 2023.10.23 |
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