The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer: A Guide to Practice |
著者 |
Khenchen Thrangu (著)
Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje (前言)
版 | 2nd edition |
出版年月日 | 2018.09.25 |
ページ | 176 |
出版者 | Snow lion |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Boulder, CO, US [博爾德, 科羅拉多州, 美國] |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | Khenchen Thrangu is an eminent teacher of the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was appointed by the Dalai Lama to be the personal tutor for His Holiness the Seventeenth Karmapa and has authored many books including Luminous Clarity, Advice from a Yogi, Pointing Out the Dharmakaya, Everyday Consciousness and Primordial Awareness, and Vivid Awareness. |
抄録 | One of the most beloved and oft-recited prayers in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer combines a supplication to the Mahamudra lineage with a concise guide to Mahamudra practice and the stages of the path to enlightenment. In this commentary on the prayer, Thrangu Rinpoche teaches in his down-to-earth yet direct manner the importance of the Mahamudra lineage, how to develop renunciation and devotion through the common and uncommon preliminary practices, and how to practice calm abiding (Shamatha) and insight (Vipashyana) meditation in the Mahamudra tradition. He explains that Mahamudra teachings are easy to practice yet are very powerful, and are especially appropriate for serious Western Dharma students. |
目次 | Foreword, by the Seventeenth Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje Editor's Preface The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer 1. The Mahamudra Lineage 2. Practicing the Genuine Dharma 3. Shamatha Meditation 4. Vipashyana Meditation 5. Conduct Appendix A: The Short or Close Lineage of Mahamudra Appendix B: The Four Greater and Eight Lesser Schools of the Dagpo Kagyu Appendix C: The Eight Forms of Leisure and the Ten Endowments Appendix D: The Ten Virtuous, the Ten Nonvirtuous, and the Ten Special Deeds Appendix E: Nine Ways of Placing the Mind Appendix F: The Eight Consciousnesses Appendix G: The Five Paths and the Ten Bodhisattva Levels Appendix H: The Visualization for The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer Notes Glossary Glossary of Tibetan Terms Annotated Bibliography Index E-mail Sign-Up |
ISBN | 9780834841819 (Ebook); 9781559394819 (Paperback); 0834841819 (Ebook); 1559394811 (Paperback) |
ヒット数 | 84 |
作成日 | 2023.12.26 |
更新日期 | 2023.12.26 |
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