

The Platform Sūtra and the Corpus of Shenhui: Recent Critical Text Editions and Studies
著者 Jorgensen, John (著)
掲載誌 Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie=Review of Bibliography in Sinology
ページ399 - 438
出版サイト http://www.editions.ehess.fr/revues/
出版地Paris, France [巴黎, 法國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノートAuthor Affiliation: Griffith University, Australia.
抄録L'étude des versions du "Sūtra de l'Estrade" (Liuzu tanjing 六祖壇經) retrouvées parmi les manuscrits de Dunhuang permet, d'une part, de jeter des doutes sur l'attribution à Huineng 慧能 (mort en 713) de ce texte fondateur de la pensée Chan, et d'autre part, de préciser la date et les conditions de la diffusion de cet ouvrage. L'auteur, qui passe en revue une vingtaine de versions de longueurs très variables, datées du VIIIe au XIIe siècle, conclut que le Liuzu tanjing a sans doute été mis en forme par Shenhui 神會 (684-758) au cours des décennies qui ont suivi les débats théoriques de 732. L'attribution à Huineng était une manière d'affirmer l'orthodoxie de l'école dite du Sud, face au Chan du Nord. L'établissement d'une édition critique fiable — qui n'existe pas encore — requiérera la collaboration active des linguistes. A careful examination of the Dunhuang versions of the "Platform Sūtra" (Liuzu tanjing 六祖壇經) with all the extant versions sheds serious doubt about the attribution of this cardinal scripture to Huineng 慧能 (d. 713), and enables scholars to better understand the conditions of the elaboration and diffusion of this sūtra. The author provides a review of some twenty versions of various length, dating from the 8th through the 12th century, coming to the conclusion that the "Platform Sūtra" was very probably written by Shenhui 神會 (684-758) during the decades following the 732 dispute. Attributing the "Platform Sūtra" to Huineng may have been a way to promote the Southern Chan school against the Northern school. The preparation of a hitherto missing reliable critical edition of the Liuzu tanjing shall require an active cooperation with Chinese linguists.
目次New Discoveries and New Editions 399
The Dunhuang Texts 400 Relations
Between the Four Dunhuang Copies of the “Platform Sūtra" 402
Lists of Names 405
Titles 405
Relations with Other Versions of the Platform Sutra 407
Stemmata and Urtext 408
Later Interpolations 412
In ’Gyŏng's Analyses 412
The Fabaoji tanjing and Chinul 416
Conjectures on a pre-Dunhuang version:The search for an Urtext 418
Who wrote the “Platform Sūtra ” ? 422
Huineng, Fahai and Shenhui 424
Comparisons 426
Japanese Positions 427
Korean Positions 428
Questions of Distinctive Teachings 429
Critical Editions 430
The Dunhuang Platform Sūtra 430
The Shenhui corpus 431
The “Heart Sūtra ” Commentary 432
Concluding Comments 433
Creating New Editions 433
Bibliography 435
ISSN00802484 (P); 25135406 (E)

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