

11至13世紀阿彌陀佛來迎圖之探究 -以中日為例=On Paintings of Laiying and Raigo Amitabha Buddha during the 11th to 13 th Centuries in China and Japan
著者 曾龍堂 (著)=Tseng, Lung-tang (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官陳俊吉=Chen, Chun-chi
キーワード淨土美術=Pure Land art; 來迎圖=Laiyingtu; 觀經變相圖=Guanjing Sutra Tableau; 源信=Genshin; 西方三聖=the Western Traids
抄録 阿彌陀佛淨土思想源自印度彌陀淨土信仰,為大乘佛教重要思想之一。在中國濫觴於北魏,北朝至唐代的中國正處於長期封建割據和戰爭綿綿不斷,造成社會不安,西方極樂淨土的教義為人民心理及精神上所需求,再加上統治者崇信佛教,更促進西方淨土信仰在此時期的迅速發展,並且表現在持戒、造像、抄經、誦經及繪製經典變相圖等修行活動、以祈獲得追福、解厄、積德之效果。
日本的淨土繪畫藝術,也是隨著佛教經朝鮮半島傳入而萌芽,飛鳥、白鳳時期阿彌陀佛形象化流行,並且派遣使者至中國學習藝術。奈良時代受盛唐文化影響,佛教藝術充滿唐風的風格。以「綴織當麻曼荼羅」最為有名,具有石窟觀經變相圖的特色。到了平安前期,日本阿彌陀信仰受入唐求法的天台宗圓仁(794–864)帶回淨土念佛的影響,其後惠心僧都即源信(942–1017)著述《往生要集》,勸說觀想念佛與稱名念佛,並且舉辦阿彌陀佛與聖眾來迎往生者,即所謂「迎講」的法會。 之後,日本淨土信仰重視「欣求淨土,厭離穢土」,於天喜元年(1053)在宇治建造的平等院鳳凰堂之扉壁上描繪「大和繪」的〈九品來迎圖〉。作為觀想念佛與臨終行儀之掛畫式的獨立來迎圖,在源信的創作之下蓬勃發展起來。其結構透過作為理想世界、現實世界的要素、來迎聖眾數的多寡及往生者的描繪否等,描繪出正面向、斜面向及山越等來迎圖形式,各別又有阿彌陀聖眾來迎圖、阿彌陀二十五菩薩來迎圖、阿彌陀三尊圖、阿彌陀單尊圖等圖像。由上述可知,淨土信仰起源於印度,在中國形成,成熟於日本。
Originating from India, Amitabha Pure Land thought is one of the important Mahayana Buddhist thoughts. Being transmitted to China since the Northern Wei Dynasty, it flourished and acted as a great consolation to the general public who suffered from the prolonged period of feudal confrontation and warfare. Up to the end of the Tang Dynasty, multiple devout Buddhist emperors popularized this belief exponentially. People started to practice Buddhism such as upholding precepts, making Buddhist statues, writing sutras, reciting sutras, and painting Buddhist sutra tableaus to accumulate merits, resolve terrible misfortune, and cultivate virtues.
During the Tang Dynasty, based on the doctrines built by its predecessors, Pure Land masters such as Daochuo(562–645)who painted over 300 Western Pure Land Tableaux and Shandao(613–681)who transcribed more than a hundred thousand scrolls of Amitabha Sutra and advocated a simplified way of practice pushed Pure Land belief to a new height and became one of the important doctrines in Chinese Buddhism. As portraying sutra tableaux was common in Buddhist caves, most of the surviving Pure Land Three Sutras tableaux were represented then. The earliest Chinese Laiying painting can be found in the “nine classes of rebirth” section on the bottom part of the Guanjing Sutra Tableauin Dunhuang dated to the early Tang Dynasty. In addition, the Bodhisattva Leading the Way Painting depicting the Bodhisattva receiving the newly deceased found in Cave 17 of Dunhuang reveals the sophisticated painting skill of the Tang artist.
With the popularization of the Chan thought in the Song Dynasty, many monasteries practiced both Chan and Pure land Buddhism. Venerable Jiezhu of Tiantai Buddhism active in the Northern Song Dynasty and Venerable Zhipan and Zongxiao of the Southern Song Dynasty all mentioned Amitabha Buddha receiving the newly deceaseds. As fewer cave paintings were made and figurative and landscape literati scrolls of silk and rice paper became prevalent, the art of Chinese painting reached its epitome. A few Song Dynasty Laiying hanging scrolls such as Amitabha Laiying painting and Amitabha Triad Laiying Painting survived. Laiying Buddha painted during the Tang and the Song Dynasties as long as the painting skills were transmitted to the neighboring counties along with the Buddhist thoughts.
Being influenced by Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, Xixia Buddhism developed its distinctive regional and national features. Located northwest of the Song territory and north of Tibet, the Xixia people were naturally attracted to the
目次摘要 I
Abstract III
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 文獻回顧-佛教圖像文本相關研究 3
第三節 研究方法 14
第四節 論文架構 17
第二章 東土彌陀來迎淨土信仰經論 21
第一節 中國彌陀來迎淨土信仰經典依據 23
第二節 淨土三經對佛教藝術的意義 38
第三節 唐代善導的淨土理論及佛教藝術上的貢獻 43
小結 49
第三章 中日阿彌陀佛的淨土信仰 51
第一節 北朝至唐代淨土信仰的思想 51
第二節 西夏(大白高國,白高大夏)淨土往生信仰 61
第三節 日本淨土思想的流變 65
小結 70
第四章 中日阿彌陀佛來迎圖 71
第一節 宋代阿彌陀佛來迎圖傳播對日本、高麗的影響 71
第二節 西夏國阿彌陀佛來迎圖 83
第三節 日本阿彌陀佛來迎圖 98
小結 118
第五章 中日來迎圖之特色比較 119
第一節 阿彌陀佛接引往生者之情景 119
第二節 阿彌陀佛現前來迎與靈魂化現 124
第三節 具體的個人往生 126
小結 127
第六章 結論 129
參考書目 131
傳世古籍資料 131
中文圖書 132
日文圖書 134
外文圖書 134
中文期刊 134
日文期刊(含書籍文章) 137
學位論文 139
網路圖片與資料 139
圖表 143
附圖表1 宋代時期來迎圖圖例 143
附圖表2 西夏時期來迎圖圖例 151
附圖表3 日本平安、鎌倉時期來迎圖圖例 163
圖片出處 198

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