"MOREOVER, SARIPUTRA, THOSE BEINGS WHO'VE REACH- ED THE BUDDHALAND OF THE THUS COME ONE LIMITLESS LIFE ARE PURE BODHISATTVAS, IRREVERSIBLE, AND BOUND BY ONE BIRTH... Vocabulary and Grammar: PUNARAPARAM moreover SUDDHA(S) nom. pi. SARIPUTRA proper name; mas. of perfect pass. vocative singular, participle used as masculine adjective, from root YE (those) who--relative û SUDH- and suffix pronoun, nominative -TA by assimilation plural masculine BODHISATTVA(S) nom. AMITAYUSAS proper name; pl. mas. of noun "Limitless Life", geni- BODHISATTVA "Enligh- tive singular mas. tenment-Being" TATHAGATASYA genitive AVINIVARTANIYA(S) nom. singular mas. of the pl. mas. of the gerun- noun TATHAGATA Thus dive from privative Come One prefix A-, prefixes BUDDHAKSETRE locative VI- + NI-, root û VRT- singular of the neuter "turn", and gerundive noun BUDDHAKSETRA suffix -ANIYA which Buddhaland causes guna of root= SATTVA(S) nom. pi. mas. irreversible" of noun SATTVA being EKAJATI PRATIBADDHA (S ) UPAPANNA(S/H) nom. pi. nom. pi. mas. from mas. of perfect passive EKA "one", JATI "birth", participle "have reach- prefix PRATT- and root ed", from prefix UPA- û BANDH- and suffix root û PAD- and suffix -TA by assimilation -NA by assimilation "bound by one birth" All the beings who reach the Buddhaland of the Buddha of Limitless Life--Amita Buddha-- are irreversible in position, thought, and conduct. They never retreat from their quest for Bodhi, and many of them will in this very life realize Buddhahood, being tied by their very last single lifetime only. How many of them are there?