"In the same way, in the direction below there is the Thus Come One named Lion, the Thus Come One named Splendor, the Thus Come One named Light of Splendor, the Thus Come One named Dharma, the Thus Come One named Maintaining Dharma, and the Thus Come One named Dharma Banner." This lesson introduces the adhasta or direction below, citing the names of representative Buddhas. There is the Buddha whose name is simha "lion." yasas, the next Buddha's name, means "splendor" or "renoun." The combination of yasas + prabhasa "radiant light" in the next name emphasizes the great rediance of that splendor. The next Buddha is named dharma "Dharma," and the following has Dharma as the direct object of dhara "maintain- ing," from root û dhr- "bear/maintain/uphold." The final Buddha named has dhvaja "banner" of Dharma as his name. Issues #141 and #146 explain the overall gram- mar of this passage and its phrasing, and other lessons on the Buddhas' names have already des- cribed their formation. Any of us who maintain and support the Buddhadharma will be Dharma- Maintaining Buddhas in the future, as well as Dharma Banner Buddhas.