"Why is that?" After describing how the hamsah "geese," krauncah "curlews, and mayurah "peacocks" chant the Buddhadharma in Sukhavatt, Sakyamuni Buddha asked his disciple Sariputra if he thought the birds were tiryagyonigatah, born as animals because of karmic retribution. Before Sariputra could answer, the Buddha said: Na punar evam drastavyam, "It shouldn't be seen that way." Now the Buddha asks: tatkasmaddhetoh, "Why is that?" Tat is the nominative neuter singular of the demonstrative: pronoun "this/that," In the Sanskrit writing System, the final -t is joined to the initial k- of kasmad, but they are separate words. Kasmat is the ablative singular masculine of the interrogative pronoun "who/what?" Here it is written kasmad, final unvoiced -t changing to voiced -d before the initial h- of hetoh. The initial h- of hetoh is in turn influenced to became dh-, and for economy in writing, the two words are also joined in the script. Hetoh is the ablative singular of the masculine noun hetu "cause/reason." The ablative case here expresses cause or origin, and so kasmad-d-hetoh means "for what reason?" and tad kasmad-d-hetoh literally asks, "This for what reason?" That is, why shouldn't we consider the birds in the Land of Happiness beings that have fallen into the destiny of animals, one of the three evil destinies?