Gāthā Sentence Translation Sentence Structure
Vocabulary&Grammar Commentary Pronunciation
                          List of Abbreviations

so karohi dīpam attano khippaṃ vāyama paṇḍito bhava

niddhantamalo anaṅgaṇo na punaṃ jātijaraṃ upehisi

(DhP 238)

Sentence Translation:

Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise!
Without impurities and clear, you will never again come to birth and aging.

Sentence Structure:
List of Abbreviations

so             karohi    dīpam   attano  khippaṃ vāyama   paṇḍito    bhava
|                    |            |            |           |             |             |              |
Pron.m.    V.act.      N.m.   Pron.m.  Adv.      V.act.      N.m.      V.act.
Nom.Sg. 2.Sg.imp. Acc.Sg. Gen.Sg.     |       2.Sg.imp. Nom.Sg. 2.Sg.imp.
|                    |            |_______|          |________|            |________|
|                    |__________|

List of Abbreviations

niddhanta+malo   anaṅgaṇo  na punaṃ jāti+jaraṃ    upehisi
|                   |            |          |       |        |        |             |
Adj.        Adj.m.   Adj.m.   neg. Adv.  N.f.   N.f.      V.act.
|            Nom.Sg. Nom.Sg.    |       |       |    Acc.Sg. 2.Sg.fut.
|__________|             |          |       |       |_____|             |
          |____________|          |____|______|__________|
                    |                              |___|     |
                    |                                  |____|

Vocabulary and Grammar:
List of Abbreviations

so: tad-, Pron.n.: it. Nom.Sg.m. = so.

karohi, V.: do. The verb root is kar-. 2.Sg.act.imp. = karohi.

dīpam: dīpa-, N.m.: island. Acc.Sg. = dīpam.

attano: attan-, N.m./Pron.: self, oneself. Gen.Sg. = attano.

khippaṃ, Adv.: quickly. It is derived from the word khippa-, Adj.: quick, fast.

vāyama, V.: strive, struggle. The verb root is yam- (to restrain) with the prefixes vi- (intensifying sense) and ā- (to, towards). 2.Sg.act.imp. = vāyama.

List of Abbreviations

paṇḍito: paṇḍita-, N.m.: wise man, learned man. Nom.Sg. = paṇḍito.

bhava, V.: be. The verb root is bhū-. 2.Sg.act.imp. = bhava.

niddhantamalo: niddhantamala-, Adj.: with the impurities removed. It is a compound of:
    niddhanta-, Adj.: removed, cleansed, blown off. It is a p.p. of the verb root dham- (to blow) with the prefix ni- (away, off).
    mala-, N.n.: impurity, stain, dirt.
Nom.Sg.m. = niddhantamalo.

anaṅgaṇo: anaṅgaṇa-, Adj.: clear, without specks. It is the word aṅgaṇa-, N.m.: speck, freckle, with the negative prefix an-. Nom.Sg.m. = anaṅgaṇo.

List of Abbreviations

na, neg.: not.

punaṃ, Adv.: again.

jātijaraṃ: jātijarā-, N.f.: birth and old age. It is a compound of:
    jāti-, N.f.: birth, rebirth.
    jarā-, N.f.: old age.
Acc.Sg. = jātijaraṃ.

upehisi: [you will] come to, approach. The verb root is i- (to go) with the prefix upa- (near).
2.Sg.act.fut. = upehisi.

List of Abbreviations

    This verse consists of four syntactically separate sentences. They are:
    1) so karohi dīpam attano (be an island unto yourself). The subject is the pronoun so (he, nominative singular). The verb is karohi ([you] do, 2nd person, singular, active, imperative). This pattern "You that is he" is not uncommon in Pali texts. The object is the noun dīpam (island, accusative singular) with its attribute, the noun/pronoun attano (or oneself, genitive singular).
    2) khippaṃ vāyama (strive quickly). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the second person singular. The verb is vāyama (strive, 2nd person, singular, active, imperative). It has an attribute, the adverb khippaṃ (quickly).
    3) paṇḍito bhava (be wise). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the second person singular. The verb is bhava (be, 2nd person, singular, active, imperative). The object is the noun paṇḍito (a wise man, nominative singular).
    4) niddhantamalo anaṅgaṇo na punaṃ jātijaraṃ upehisi (without impurities and clear, you will never again come to birth and aging). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the second person singular. It has two attributes, the adjectives niddhantamalo (without impurities, nominative singular) and anaṅgaṇo (clear, nominative singular). The verb is upehisi ([you] will approach, 2nd person, singular, active, future). It is negated by the negative particle na (not). The verb has an attribute, the adverb punaṃ (again). The object is the compound jātijaraṃ (to birth and aging, accusative singular).


    The story for this verse is identical with the one for the previous verses (DhP 235, DhP 236 and DhP 237).
    If we strive and exert ourselves, we will purify our minds, attain the Awakenment - and therefore there will be no more birth, sickness, aging and death for us. Then we do not have to fear the death any longer.

Sentence pronunciation:

Sentence pronunciation

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