雜阿含經=Tsa a-han; 善終輔導=spiritual and pastoral counseling; 死恐佈=fear of death; 顧戀眷屬=attachment to the family; 寄望來生=hopes directed to the next life
本文首先從《雜阿含經》的觀點釐清「善終」的意義,進而以《雜阿含經》三部 經典的相關傳本為例,探討「善終輔導」的原則及方法。自《雜阿含經》中援引的三部經典--第1013、1022、574經--分別以新學比丘、長壽童子、質多羅長者為主畏人物。本文採歷史文獻的研究方法,針對經中主要人物的心理狀態--死恐怖、顧戀眷屬、寄望來生--各立章節分析。該論呈顯以早期佛教的立場進行「善終輔導」的特色。 The present thesis first clarifies the meaning of "spiritual and pastoral" according to the Tsa a-han as well as parallel versions, and then discusses the principles and methods of "spiritual and pastoral counseling" based on three sutras contained in the said collection, to wit Nos. 1013, 1022 and 574. Their protagonists are an anonymous young monk teenage Dighavu and elder Citta respectively. The thesis employs historical textual criticism, and three chapters are devoted to the exploration of the protagonists' psychology-fear of death, attachment to the family, and hopes directed to the next life. It illustrates the the special characteristics of "spiritual and pastoral counseling" as reflected in early Buddhism.