
How Giving Sanctifies: the Birthday of Thamanya Hsayadaw in Burma
作者 Rozenberg, Guillaume
出處題名 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
卷期v.10 n.3
頁次495 - 515
出版者Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
出版者網址 http://www.therai.org.uk
出版地London, UK [倫敦, 英國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項Gullaume Rozenberg, Asia research institute (National University of Singapore)
摘要This article addresses the role and meaning of different practices of giving in the production process of sainthood in Theravāda Buddhism. Its focus is an account of the birthday ceremony of Thamanya Hsayadaw, the most venerated monk in contemporary Burma. Two ways of giving are defined, reciprocity and redistribution, which appear in the course of the ceremony and which correspond to the two most standard kinds of giving involving a Theravādin monk in a social relationship. The birthday ceremony itself is then described and discussed on two complementary levels. First, the meaning and implications of the gifts made during the ceremony are scrutinized. Second, at a more comprehensive level, the analysis shows that each of these gifts falls within a specific configuration and participates in a sanctification mechanism. This process entails not just the simple addition of various gifts but also their general articulation. It is this sanctifying dynamic of giving that is examined in detail. / Cet article traite du rïle et de la signification de différentes pratiques de don dans le processus de sanctification dans le contexte du bouddhisme du Theravāda. Il se concentre sur le récit de la cérémonie d'anniversaire de Thamanya Hsayadaw, le moine le plus vénéré de Birmanie. Les deux types d'échange les plus courants impliquant un moine bouddhiste, la réciprocité et la redistribution, sont d'abord définis. La cérémonie d'anniversaire est ensuite décrite et analysée à deux niveaux complémentaires. D'une part, la signification et les implications de chacun des dons effectués pendant la cérémonie sont examinées. D'autre part, l'analyse montre que la cérémonie, loin de consister en la simple addition de ces différents dons, les articule en les inscrivant dans une configuration spécifique, où s'opère une mécanique de sanctification. C'est cette dynamique sanctifiante sous-jacente à la circulation des dons que l'étude de la cérémonie fait en définitive apparaître.
目次the problem: giving and the production of sainthood 495
two categories of Buddhist giving: reciprocity and redistribution 498
the monk-lay person reciprocal relationship: when passivity is activity 498
redistribution: the idiom of detachment 499
what imparts the full sociological potency to the act of giving? 500
Thamanya Hsayadaw's birthday (I): reciprocity at work 501
providing abundance 502
revitalizing Buddhism 504
infusing power 506
juxtaposed gifts: the cumulative process of sanctification 506
Thamanya Hsayadaw's birthday (II): redistribution at work 507
redistributing while receiving 507
compressing a long sanctification process 508
the gift that elevates, the gift that deflates 510Thamanya Hsayadaw, dumont and durkheim 511
notes 513
references 515
Le don qui sanctifie: l'anniversaire de Thamanya Hasayadaw en Birmanie 515
ISSN13590987 (P); 14679655 (E)

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