Lives of the Nuns: Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries
Shih, Pao-chang (著)
Shih, Pao-chang (譯)
Tsai, Kathryn Ann (譯)
出版日期 1994.06
頁次 216
出版者 University of Hawaii Press
出版地 Honolulu, HI, US [檀香山, 夏威夷州, 美國]
資料類型 書籍=Book
使用語言 英文=English
關鍵詞 比丘=Buddhist Monk=Bhiksu=Bhikkhu; 比丘尼=Buddhist Nun=Bhiksuni=Bhikkhuni; 佛教人物=Buddhist
摘要 This book contains the biographies of 65 Chinese women who were Buddhist monks in early China. It is a great read for anyone interested in Buddhism or women in religion.
ISBN 0824815416; 9780824815417 (hc)
相關書評 Review: "Lives of the Nuns: Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries", by Tsai, Kathryn Ann / Kieschnick, John Henry (評論)=柯嘉豪 (rev.)
點閱次數 613
建檔日期 2006.04.27
更新日期 2021.11.05
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