菩提樹與革命僧:清末民初僧人與革命之探討 =Bodhi Tree and the Revolutionary Monks: A Study on Monks and Revolution during the Transitional Period of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China
In order to discuss the revolutionary monks thoroughly, both their patriotism and Buddhist faith are essential. This study is based on those monks who devoted to the Revolution of 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty); not only the era background would I discuss but also the spirit of Buddhism. I try to distinguish the revolutionary monks into four different kinds: first, those form the revolutionary monk soldiers. Second, those originate assassination statement and trying to be assassinators. Third, those get involved into the revolutionary affair and spread revolutionary statement. Fourth, those make efforts in the Revolution of 1911, the Buddhist Revolution even the Revolution of Human Thoughts. In addition, I notice that the characteristics of the revolutionary monks reflect two meaningful paragons of Buddhism: Buddha and Bodhisattva. As for Bodhisattva, there are three kinds: giving up all, concerning the worldly affair actively, and break the ceremonial laws of Buddhism radically. Especially the radical Bodhisattva, they are always being in danger so their attitudes are crucial important. Therefore, the revolutionary monks held the same attitude toward revolution and Buddhism that is courageous spirit for salvation. Take the example of Master Tai-xu; it conveys the Bodhisattva spirit is based on the practice of Buddhist teachings. Finally, I compare the three types of Bodhisattva to the revolutionary monks, hoping that the revolutionary monks could set a new example of Bodhisattva.