論《般若經》的「假名」概念 :以《大般若波羅蜜多經.第四會》〈妙行品〉與《第二會》〈善現品〉的對比作為考察的基礎=Prajñapti in the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras: A Comparison between the "Sarvākārajñātā-caryā Parivarta" in the Asta and the "Subhūti Parivarta" in the Pañca
Abstruct: In this article I will discuss the concept of prajñapti, based on comparisons between the Sarvākārajñātā-caryā chapter of the A??asāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā and Subhūti chapter of the Pañcaviṃ?ati-sāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā. I attempt to determine whether this concept is identical in these two sources. I will focus on the following three aspects: 1. The concept prajñapti merely serves as the provisional basis for dharmas in the A??a, but does not include the three aspects of prajñapti found in the Pañca. I will discuss possible implications of this difference. 2. The three aspects of prajñapti are translated differently by Xuanzang and Kumārajīva. The former uses mingjia名假, fajia法假, and fangbian jia方便假; the latter uses mingjia shishe名假施設, shoujia shishe受假施設, and fajia shishe法假施設. However, Kumārajīva’s term shoujia shishe does not have a corresponding term in Xuanzang’s version. Regarding this, I will argue that Kumārajīva’s term is a translation not of upādāna (zhishou執受), but of avavāda (jiaoshou教授). 3. The three aspects of prajñapti are explained more systematically in the commentary on the Pañca in the Da zhidu lun. The contrasting meanings of prajñapti in the A??a and Pañca can be used to determine whether the Da zhidu lun’s explanation can be established.