給大專學生的佛法講座 (一):回答非佛弟子常問的問題=Buddha-Dhamma for University Students (I): Answers to questions a non-Buddhist is likely to ask about the fundamentals of Buddhism
一、假定我們被問到:「佛陀教導的是什麼科目?」問題,你就可以說:「佛陀教導的不外乎是苦的真 諦,以及滅苦的法門。」 二、接下來可能會問:「佛陀到底教導了什麼?」 三、如果你碰到一個外國人對你說:「請用最簡單的方式,來告訴我什麼是佛教 的根本教義?」 四、假如,接下來又問:「要怎樣才能實踐不執著呢?」 1. Suppose we are asked, “What subject did the Buddha teach?"taught nothing other than dukkha and the elimination of it.” 2. Following on this we may be asked, “What did he teach in particular?” 3. Now, suppose you meet a person from other country who asks you, “Put as briefly as possible, what is the basic message of Buddhism?” 4. Now suppose you are then asked, “How is this non-grasping and non-clinging to be put into practice?”