天台宗以藏、通、別、圓四教分判全體佛教之法義內容。其中唯有別、圓二教能證得究竟佛果。圓教之意義與價值向來為天台學者所重視而極力闡揚。然而圓教之教觀是但化最上利根菩薩的。相形之下,較不為人所重視的別教雖然不若圓教之直捷超妙而速疾成就,但是其踏實漸進而普遍適用於一般大乘行者,且終究亦能接入圓教或同證圓理,故應是相當值得顯揚的。本文之目的即在論證別教確實能如圓教之達於究竟,進而闡明別教之價值。且對於有學者質疑別教非天台之主張,特加論述申明其確屬天台之教,為其教法之一。其後即詳加說明別教的教觀與行位,最後特別闡釋其形上意涵,說明界內外一切法的生起及以如來藏佛性為真如本體。 Buddhist doctrines are classified by Four Teachings in T'ien-t'ai Buddhism. There are only Separate-teaching and Perfect-teaching by which can arrive to get the ultimate achievements that is to be a Buddha in these four teachings. The value and meaning of Perfect-teaching are well known by T’ien-t’ai scholars. But Perfect-teaching is suitable only for bodhisattvas of best character. On the contrary, people didn’t pay much attention to Separate-teaching, and it is less superior and slower to be achieved, but it is more stable to make progress and suitable for all bodhisattvas. Besides, one can also arrive to the ultimate realm by Separate-teaching as Perfect-teaching. So it has much value to preach Separate-teaching. The contents of this essay are to demonstrate that one can get the ultimate achievements by Separate-teaching also, to clarify the value of Separate-teaching and that Separate-teaching belongs to T’ien-t’ai Buddhism, to expound the contents of Separate-teaching, and finally to interpret it’s metaphysical meanings.