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Straight from the Heart: Buddhist Pith Instructions |
作者 |
Brunnholzl, Karl
出版日期 | 2007.06 |
頁次 | 560 |
出版者 | Snow Lion Publications |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | Ithaca, NY, US [伊薩卡, 紐約州, 美國] |
資料類型 | 書籍=Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
關鍵詞 | Karma=Kamma; 大寶法王=Karmapa; 仁波切=Rinpoche; 存有=bhava; 西藏佛教=藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 岡波巴=Gampopa; 金剛乘=Vajra-yana=Vajrayana; 金剛乘=真言教=瑜伽宗=坦特羅佛教=密教=密宗=Tantric Buddhism=Esoteric Buddhism=Vajrayana Buddhism; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 提婆=Aryadeva=Phags-pa-lha; 傳記=Biography; 慈悲心=Compassion=Metta=Loving Kindness=Maitri; 蓮華生=Padmasambhava; 論著=Treatise; 靜坐=Meditation; 龍欽巴=Longchenpa=Longchen Rabjam; 龍欽巴=龍青巴=Longchen; 龍樹=龍猛=Nagarjuna=kLu-sgrub; 禪修=Meditation |
摘要 | This book brings together an inspiring collection of poems, songs of realization, meditation instructions, and philosophical treatises all chosen for their power to speak directly to the student. Drawn from Indian Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, as well as from all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, some will impress with their beautiful poetry and powerful imagery; others with their profound power of instruction. Still others share personal advice for life that seems to come directly from the mouth of the author, and some serve as immediate and profound practice instructions. Several are just delightfully unconventional, even outrageous, letting in fresh air on petrified views or musty traditions. Each of the works is preceded by a brief introduction and a short biography of its author. Many of these are legendary accounts of supernatural feats, edifying examples meant to to expand the limited outlook of students with mind-blowing stories. The texts include works by Atisha, Tilopa, Nagarjuna, Maitripa, Asvaghosha, Padmasambhava, Aryadeva, Chandrakirti, Rechungpa, Tangtong Gyalpo, Gampopa, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Sakya Pandita, Karma Chagme, Mipham Rinpoche, the Thirteenth Karmapa, the Fourth, Fifth and the Sixth Sharmapas, Patrul Rinpoche, Gendun Chopel, Jigden Sumgon, Longchenpa, Thrangu Rinpoche, Sakya Chogden, the Eighth Karmapa, Kunkyen Dashi Oser, and others. |
ISBN | 9781559392792 |
點閱次數 | 1017 |
建檔日期 | 2007.07.26 |
更新日期 | 2008.02.21 |
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