玄奘=Xuanzang=Hiuen Tsiang; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 佛教文學=Buddhist Literature
1906. Two Volumes in One. The Chinese Buddhist Pilgrims, of whom Hiuen Tsiang is the most famous traveler, visited India during the early centuries of the Christian era. The Buddhist literature of China contains the records of their travels, the authenticity of which is verified by the fact that they embody the testimony of independent eyewitnesses as to the facts related in them. The records are very interesting as they refer to the geography, history, manners and religion of the people of the countries West of China, of India in particular, visited by the pilgrims. The book is full of interesting material such as the different manners and customs of separate people; the various products of the different soils and the diverse class divisions of the society; and the rise and fall of Buddhism. Due to the age and scarcity of the original we reproduced, some pages may be spotty, or difficult to read