
Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice
作者 Heine, Steven ; Wright, Dale S.
出版者Oxford University Press, USA
出版者網址 http://www.oup.com/
出版地New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]
附註項About the Author
Steven Heine, Professor of Religious Studies, History, and Director of the Institute for Asian Studies, Florida International University. Dale S. Wright, David B. and Mary H. Gamble Professor of Religious Studies and Asian Studies, Occidental College.
關鍵詞心靈=Spiritual; 正念=覺知=Mindfulness=Awareness; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 法師=Master; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 靜坐=Meditation; 禪宗=Zazen Buddhism=Zen Buddhism=Son Buddhism=Chan Buddhism; 禪修=Meditation
摘要Book Description
When books about Zen Buddhism began appearing in Western languages just over a half-century ago, there was no interest whatsoever in the role of ritual in Zen. Indeed, what attracted Western readers' interest was the Zen rejection of ritual. The famous 'Beat Zen' writers were delighted by the Zen emphasis on spontaneity as opposed to planned, repetitious action, and wrote inspirationally about the demythologized, anti-ritualized spirit of Zen. Quotes from the great Zen masters supported this understanding of Zen, and led to the fervor that fueled the opening of Zen centers throughout the West. Once Western practitioners in these centers began to practice Zen seriously, however, they discovered that zazen - Zen meditation - is a ritualized practice supported by centuries-old ritual practices of East Asia. Although initially in tension with the popular anti-ritual image of ancient Zen masters, interest in Zen ritual has increased along with awareness of its fundamental role in the spirit of Zen. Eventually, Zen practitioners would form the idea of no-mind, or the open and awakened state of mind in which ingrained habits of thinking give way to more receptive, direct forms of experience. This notion provides a perspective from which ritual could gain enormous respect as a vehicle to spiritual awakening, and thus this volume seeks to emphasize the significance of ritual in Zen practice. Containing 9 articles by prominent scholars about a variety of topics, including Zen rituals kinhin and zazen, this volume covers rituals from the early Chan period to modern Japan. Each chapter covers key developments that occurred in the Linji/Rinzai and Caodon/ Soto schools of China and Japan, describing how Zen rituals mold the lives and characters of its practitioners, shaping them in accordance with the ideal of Zen awakening. This volume is a significant step towards placing these practices in a larger historical and analytical perspective.
目次[Table of Contents]

Introduction: Rethinking Ritual Practice in Zen Buddhism, Dale S. Wright
1. Ritual in Japanese Zen Buddhism, T. Griffith Foulk
2. Chan Rituals of the Abbots' Ascending the Dharma Hall to Preach, Mario Poceski
3. Buddhist Rituals for Protecting the Country in Medieval Japan: Myoan Eisai's "Regulations of the Zen School", Albert Welter
4. Is Dogen's Eiheiji Temple "Mt. T'ien-t'ung East"? Geo-Ritual Perspectives on the Transition from Chinese Ch'an to Japanese Zen, Steven Heine
5. Zazen as an Enactment Ritual, Taigen Dan Leighton
6. Women and Dogen: Rituals Actualizing Empowerment and Healing, Paula K. R. Arai
7. Invocation of the Sage: The Ritual to Glorify the Emperor, Michel Mohr
8. Meditation in Motion: Textual Exegesis in the Creation of Ritual, David E. Riggs
9. Dharma Transmission in Theory and Practice, William M. Bodiford
Pinyin-Wade-Giles Conversion Table
ISBN9780195304688 (平)

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