章嘉宗義=lCan sKya Grub mThav; 章嘉·若貝多杰=lCan sKya III ·Rol Pavi rDo rJe; 宗義書=Grub mThav; 外道=Tirthika=Phyi Rol Pa; 毗婆沙=Vaibhasika=Bye Brag sMra Pa; 經部宗=Sautrantika=mDod sDe Pa; 唯識宗=Vijnanavadm=rNam Par Rig Pa Tsam; 中觀宗=madhyamikas=dBu Ma Ba; 中觀自續派=Svatantrika=dBu Ma Rang rGyud Pa; 中觀應成派=prasangika=dBu ma Thal bGyur Ba
lCan sKya III ·rol pavi rdo rje (1717—1786) is a famous Tibet-buddhism monk in Qing-dynasty. He writed grub mthav mam gzhag thub bstan lhun povi mdzes rgyan which is abbreviated form of a name lCan skya grub mthav (abbre: LSGM). LSGM is a book which judged and analysed viewpoint of Four-school of Buddhism and India religious sect by analytical investigation of dGe Lugs Pa.This dissertation firstly study the whole content on LSGM from original Tibet manuscript.In order to find out ideology content of India r...