Following the idea principle that the nature of things is noumenon, by means of the implication of the category of Noumenon in traditional Chinese philosophy, Chinese Buddhists gradually equalize the ideas of dharma nature, true sate of things, and noumenon; they see noumenon not only as the truth but also as the substance of life, the basis and goal of the masses' satori, emphasizing that through satori we can gain the Buddha fruit. How do Cihnese Buddhists draw on the implication of the category of noumenon and how they see noumenon as the substance of the universe? Along the historical sequence, we will address how Zhu Dao Sheng, Tian Tai, Hua Yian and various sects of Zen interpret the idea of “noumenon” in order to show that expansion and evolution of the idea of noumenon in Chinese Buddhism.