佛光大學生命學研究所,宜蘭,台北=Institutte of Life Studies, Fo-Guang University, Yilan, Taiwan
化肥=chemical fertilizer; 退化性疾病=disease; 有機蔬菜=organic food; 日月週期=rhythms of sun, moon and stars
化學肥料造成現代各種退化性疾病,本來只是一種說法,本文用臺灣的化肥使用量和退化疾病的統計資料,證明兩者之間的相關性是非常的高。因此,「有機蔬菜」在最近二十年中大為流行。什麼才是真正的有機蔬菜?本所採用Rudolf Steiner 的理論,在學校開闢一小塊土地,依照日月星辰的運行,決定什麼時候種植和採收。第一次種小白菜,依照時日和不依照時間的採收,在收成的重量方面,每一棵小白菜的重量可以相差達百分之四十。 Through statistical documents of Taiwan Archives, there are close relations between chemical fertilizers and diseases in past one hundred years. In the recent, many people favor to take organic food for their health. What is real organic food in Taiwan? None can be regard as real one. We follow Rudolf Steiner's way to cultivate a small garden in our college for studying a real organic vegetable. Chinese mustard (black mustard) was planted. We found Chinese mustard grows very well, and good for health, though we have no any chemical fertilizers, and followed the rhythms of Sun, Moon and Stars.