本文以《肇論》作為文本案例,探討了晉宋年間中國佛學的創造從集中於法性到集中於佛性的轉變問題。作為中國法性學說的發展高峰,《肇論》在中國佛學史上意義重大。通過分析《肇論》的內容和思想,我們發現從法性學說到佛性學說的轉變,或者說晉宋之際從般若學到涅學的轉變,在《肇論》之中已經埋下了伏筆,這種轉變呈現了思想發展的內在規律,此種轉向也對中國後期的思想發展產生了重大影響。 The paper investigates the transformation from dharmatva to buddhatva during Jin and Song Period with specially referring to Zhaolun,a book plays a very important role in the ideological history of praj?ā and becomes the peak of praj?ā study.By analyzing the text and thoughts of Zhaolun,it is found that Zhaolun has predicted the transformation from dharmatva to buddhatva during Jin and Song Period.Finally the paper points out the transformation is the inherent law of ideology and it influences the later ideological history.