俄藏黑水城文獻=The writings from Karakhoto Site kept in Russian; 漢文佛教文獻=Buddhist writings; 擬題=Buddhist Canons
《俄藏黑水城文獻》(漢文部分第1-5冊)收錄了大量佛教文獻,其中絕大部分已經得到辨認,並擬定了較為恰當的題目。但還有一些漢文佛教文獻未能識別,僅標作“佛經”等。本文對其中絕大部分(個別文獻殘損過甚者除外)進行了辨識,擬定了題目。同時,還糾正了原書個別擬題不確的情況。 The writings the Karakhoto Site kept in Russisn 俄藏黑水城文獻 (Chinese section, vols. 15), publishing by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House since 1996, includes a large number of the Buddhist writings. Most of them has been identified and made appropriate titles while the few have not been distinguished. This paper identifies most of the Buddhist Canons among the later part, and then gives their titles respectively, except ones broken seriously. In the meantime, some incorrect titles of the Buddhist canons are put right.