David L. McMahan, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Franklin & Marshall College.
Buddhist modernism; Romanticism; rationalism; psychology; modernity; Buddhism and science; Buddhism and psychology; western Buddhi
This book elucidates the complex cross-cultural genealogy of themes, ideas, and practices crucial to the creation of a new hybrid form of Buddhism that has emerged within the last 150 years. Buddhism modernism is not just Buddhism that happens to exist in the modern world but a distinct form of Buddhism constituted by cross-fertilization with western ideas and practices. Using primarily examples that have shaped western articulations of Buddhism, the book shows how modern representations of Buddhism have not only changed the way the tradition is understood, but have also generated new forms of demythologized, detraditionalized, and deinstitutionalized Buddhism. The book creates a lineage of Buddhist modernism that includes liberal borrowing from scientific vocabulary in reformulations of Buddhist concepts of causality, interdependence, and meditation. It also draws upon Romantic and Transcendentalist conceptions of cosmology, creativity, spontaneity, and the interior depths of the human being. Additionally, Buddhist modernism reconfigures Buddhism as a kind of psychology or interior science, drawing both upon analytic psychology and current trends in neurobiology. In its novel approaches to meditation and mindfulness, as well as political activism, it draws heavily from western individualism, distinctively modern modes of world-affirmation, liberal political sensibilities, and modernist literary sources. The book also examines this uniquely modern Buddhism as it moves into postmodern iterations and enters the currents of global communication, media, and commerce.
1:Introduction: Buddhism and Modernity 2:The Spectrum of Tradition and Modernism 3:Buddhism and the Discourses of Modernity 4:Modernity and the Discourse of Scientific Buddhism 5:Buddhist Romanticism: Art, Spontaneity, and the Wellsprings of Nature 6:A Brief History of Interdependence 7:Meditation and Modernity 8:Mindfulness, Literature, and the Affirmation of the World 9:From Modern to Postmodern?