安西東千佛洞第5窟毗沙門天王與八大夜叉曼荼羅解說=Interpretation on The Illustrations to Vaisravana and The Mandala with Eight Yaksas inside Cave 5 of The East Cave of Thousand Buddhas at Anxi County
The Illustrations to Vais ravan a and the Mandala with Eight Yaksas is found to be painted on the south direction of a winding corridor around the centre p'illar inside Cave 5 of The East Cave of Thousand Buddhas. To the best of author's knowledge, this sort of motif could not be find at any other site of Buddhist Temple -caves include Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang based on the initial investigation. For the textual research, the subject of the painting could not be check out any dependable Chinese text of Bud...