Introduction 101 1 MSA and VyY 101 1.1 vYy 102 1.2 MSA, XI.31 and MSABh 103 1.3 Contextual examization 103 1.4 Stylistic examination 104 2 LAS and VyY 104 2.1 First, the introductory phrases gzhan las kyang ("in another[text/place]") and yang gsungs pa ("further, it is taught") found in VyY apparently shows that the passages immediately after these phrases are citations [from a text]: 105 2.2 Second, the fact that Vasubandhu does not meations the names of texts never indicates that Vasubandhu did not know the names of the texts nor that the names of those texts were not given at that time: 106 2.3 Examination 106 3 Conclusion 106