
The Kagyu Monlam book: a compilation for recitation
作者 His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa ; Choepal, Karma ; Lama Yeshe Gyamtso ; Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
出版者Kagyu Monlam Translation Team
出版者網址 http://www.ktdpublications.org/home.php
出版地New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]
使用語言英文=English; 藏文=Tibetan
摘要"Like the light of the sun, moon, and stars, may love, compassion, and wisdom shine forth. May they strike every single living being and dispel the darkness of ignorance, attachment, and hatred that has lurked for ages in their being. When any living being meets with another, may it be like the reunion of a mother and child who have long been separated. In a harmonious world such as this, may I see everyone sleep peacefully to the music of nonviolence. This is my dream."
目次Part I: The Twenty-Branch Monlam
Three Daily Observances 3
The Observance of Prostation 3
The Observance of Reciting Sutras 5
The Sutra of the Recollection of the Three Jewels 5
Prajnaparamitahridayasutra 7
The Observance of Dedication 11
Taking Refuge and generating bodhichitta 12
I. The Branch of Blessing the Ground 14
II. The Branch of Blessing the Place 14
III. The Branch of Blessing the Offerings 15
IV. The Branch of Invitation 16
From the Lalitavistara 16
You are the Protector of Every Being 16
From the Abhidhana of Bhadri from Magadha 17
The request to remain present 18
V. The Branch of Welcome 18
VI. The Branch of Ablution 18
VII. The Branch of Drying Their Bodies 18
VIII. The Branch of Offering Clothes and Adornments 19
IX. The Branch Offering of Anointment 19
X. The Branch of Prostration: Praise from the Sutra if Ornamental
Appearances 20
Praises from the Aryarashtrapalaparuprucchasutra
As Quoted in Shantideva's Summary of Training 27
Praises from the Sutralamkara
By the protector Maitreya
Prostrations to the Hundred Lives
By Rangjung Dorje 32
The Praise of the Twelve Deeds
By Arya Nagarjuna 34
Short Prostration from the King of Aspirations
XI. The Branch of Praise
See part II below 36
XII. The Branch of Offerings
From the Dharani of the Lamp of the Three Jewels
As quoted in Shantideva's Summary of Training 38
From The Bodhisattva's Way of Life by Shantideva
Short offering from the King of Aspirations
XIII. The Branch of the Confession of Wrongdoing 39
The Three Skandhas from the Upalinirdeshasutra
The confession from the Suvarnaprabhasottamasutra
The confession from the Bodhisattva's Way of Life 50
Short confession from the King of Aspirations 50
XIV. The Branch of the Generation of Bodhichitta 54
From the Suvarnaprabhasottama
XV. The Branch of Rejoicing 54
From the King of Aspirations
XVII. The Branch of Supplication to Remain and Not to Pass Into Nirvana 54
From the King of Aspirations
XVIII. The Branch of the Dedication of Roots of Virtue 55
From the Dedication of Vajradhvaja
As quoted in Shantideva's Summary of Training 55
From the Suvarnaprabhasottama
As quoted in Shantideva's Summary of Training 60
The Aspiration from the Ratnavali
By Arya Nagarjuna 65
XIX. The Branch of Aspirations 67
The King of Aspiration Prayers:
The Aspiration for Noble Excellent Conduct
From the Avatamsaka Sutra 67
Maitreya's Aspiration
From the Ranakuta Sutra 67
The Aspiration from the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
By Shantideva 81
An Aspiration for Rebirth in Sukhavati
By Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo 89
The Great Aspiration
By the Seventh Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso 92
Dedications for the Living and Deceased
By the First Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa 101
The dharani for the fulfillment of aspiration prayers 105
The Dharma Blaze Aspiration
From the Chandragarbhasutra, as quoted by the Lord Atisha in his
Sutrasamucchaya 106
Indestructible Garland of Varjas
By Jamgon Lodro Thaye 108
XX. The Branch of Auspiciousness 111
From the Sarvastivadin vinaya 111
The Auspiciousness of the Twelve Deeds
By Arya Nagarjuna 114
The stanzas of joy and goodness from the Devanirdeshasutra 117
The Offering of the Eight Auspiousn Substances 122
The Offering of the Seven Articles of Royalty 125
The Offering of the Eight Marks of Auspiousness 127
The Song that Proclaims Auspiciousness
By Marpa the Translator 129
The Auspisiousbees of the Great Encampment 130

Part II: A Collection of Praises
A Praise of the 1000 Budhas and Bodhisattvas of the Fortunate Aeon
From Je Pawo's Collected Works 135
A Praise of Majushri<

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