Tanabe Hajime’s The Philosophy of the Way of Confession is related to Shinran’s Kyogyoshinsho. The structure and dialectics of the consciousness of faith discussed in the ‘three-vow-conversion’ section of the Keshindo Volume shows this most clearly. In this paper, I want to discuss Shinran’s concept of Faith based on Keshindo. Shinran found the true faith from deep reflection on himself. He called the true faith the summons coming from The Absolute One. But it needs to be noted, that Shinran said that faith is objective. It is not only a relative conception of the subjectivity of the Thathagata. He says “ To meet The Absolute One in the depth of your mind, and to discover yourself in The Absolute One. ” This dialectical relation is not merely Shinran’s, we can find the same pattern of thinking in Nishida Kitaro’s “inter-transcendence”. Tanabe Hajime also says, that we can not practice the dialectical way continuously. He named the dialectical way the “Way of Confession”. This is because Tanabe, like Shinran, also uses the topas of the consciousness of the limited-self. “Returning to yourself-the foolish one” is the slogan of Shinran’s theory of faith. This tells us that we can only understand the specialty of the wisdom of religion from the viewpoint of trans-rationalism. It also tells us how to resolve the dilemma of rationalism by converting ‘self reliance’ to ‘reliance on others’ for modern philosophy.