會議地點:越南胡志明市;時間:2009.12.18 - 2010.01.03;大會主題:傑出的女性修行者與典範=Eminent Buddhist Women
Since ancient times, Vietnamese Buddhism has been affected by the political currents of the country. During 100 years of French domination (1854-1954), Vietnamese Buddhism became distorted. Ordinary people understood Buddhism as polytheism and most of the pagodas practiced superstitious forms of worship and rituals. Fortunately, at the beginning of the 20th century, following the Buddhist reform movements initiated by Dharmapala in India and by Bhiksu Taixu (1890-1947) in China, a movement to reform Vietnamese Buddhism arose, as the result of a campaign carried out by several senior monks. From 1920 to 1945, this movement spread throughout the country and several Buddhist institutes and associations for the study of Buddhist doctrine were founded.
After World War II, Buddhist organizations were re-opened in Hanoi under the leadership of Bhikkhunis Tri Lien and Tri Hai. In Saigon, Bhikkhuni Nhu Thanh established Hue Lam Nunnery for training bhikkhunis to teach Dharma and do charity work. Wherever she went, Bhikkhuni Nhu Thanh worked quietly and patiently to mobilize and unify Vietnamese nuns. This created a firm foundation for the bhikkhuni revival movement and the founding of the Bhikkhuni Sangha Association of South Vietnam in 1956. The unification of bhikkhunis was not only to gather strength to struggle for equal rights between monks and nuns, but to support, encourage, and enhance the capacity of all bhikkhunis to educate other human beings and shine the light of Dharma to remove the darkness of ignorance everywhere.
This paper introduces the work of an exemplary bhikkhuni who devoted her entire life to teaching the Dharma to help liberate human beings from suffering. Happily, her achievements are being amplified by successive generations. At present, the daughters of the Buddha throughout the world are making great strides in many different fields. In Vietnam, the leadership qualities of Bhikkhuni Nhu Thanh helped propel the Vietnamese Bhikkhuni Sangha through difficult times to great achievements and a bright future.