會議地點:越南胡志明市;時間:2009.12.18 - 2010.01.03;大會主題:傑出的女性修行者與典範=Eminent Buddhist Women
修女; 比丘
The purpose of religion should be creating friendship, harmony, peace, and well-being for people in this world. However, some religious followers have strong biases against other religions. Those biases have generated hatred, conflicts and disasters for people on Planet Earth.
In Taiwan, Catholic sisters have very good relationships with Buddhist nuns. They respect each other, learn from each other, and cooperate with each other on certain activities. For example, the Buddhist organization that I belong to, Dharma Drum Mountain, and myself have a great deal of contact with Catholic sisters. I know there are other nunneries, such as Bau-an Temple, that have good relationships with Catholic nuns, too. Bhiksuni Chao-hwei cooperates with Catholic sisters on conferences and social movements as well. There are touching stories about the friendships of women practitioners from diverse faiths in Taiwan.
It is worthwhile to share our stories with people abroad. We hope that someday all religious followers will embrace the believers of other faiths as friends. Perhaps Buddhist women can take the leadership in this initiative, so that eventually people around the world can cooperate with sincerity and honesty to build a Pure Land on Earth – heaven here and now.