
The Application of Filial Piety Based on the Filial Piety Sutra to Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order=論《佛說父母恩重難報經》中孝道思想在佛光山僧團的應用
作者 釋妙憫
出版者網址 http://www.fgu.edu.tw/~buddhist/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞孝道思想=Filial piety; 佛門親家=Buddhist in-laws; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 星雲大師=Ven. Master Hsing Yun; 佛光山; Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order; Monastic
摘要When Buddhism was first introduced into China, there was a great conflict with Chinese traditional values. One prominent conflict lies in the idea of filial piety. In order to make Buddhism establish and develop in China, the earlier great missionaries and Chinese Buddhist monks strained their efforts in searching the conjoint point between Buddhism and Confucianism regarding filial piety. During that period, various sutras related to filial piety were translated and some of them are said to be fabricated by Chinese monks. One of the spurious sutras on filial piety that became very popular even today was the Fo Shuo Fu Mu En Zhong Nan Bao Jing (佛說父母恩重難報經), which is a good combination between Confucian and Buddhist idea of filiality. With reflection to the historical dispute between the Buddhism and Confucianism on filial piety, this thesis is meant to analyze the spurious sutra and the concept of filial piety expressed in it and to see how filial piety is practiced today in a Buddhist organization like FGS Buddhist Order. Totally, the thesis covers four chapters; the first chapter is introduction part including study motivation, purpose, problem statement and methodology and so on. Chapter two focuses on textual analysis, comparative studies between Buddhism and Confucianism on filialilty, as well as the development, historical meaning and influences of this sutra. Chapter three explores the application of filial piety to Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) Buddhist Order. An introduction to Ven. Master Hsing Yun, as a founder of FGS, and the relationship between him and his mother help to understand the idea of filial piety in FGS Buddhist Order. Chapter four is the summary of findings and conclusion.
目次Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivations
1.3 Problem Statements
1.4 Literature Review
1.5 Purpose
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Challenges and Solutions
1.7.1 Languages
1.7.2. Difficulties to understand the Japanese sources
1.7.3. Diverse versions of this sutra
1.7.4. Insider and outsider problem
1.8 Contribution
Chapter two: Analysis of the Filial Piety Sutra
2.1 Definition of Filial Piety
2.2 Filial piety in Confucianism
2.3 Filial piety in Buddhism
2.4 The differences between Buddhism and Confucianism on filial piety
2.5 The concept of filiality expressed in the Filial Piety Sutra
2.6 Historical Meaning and Influences
2.7 The influence of the idea of filial piety on Chinese
Chapter three: Application of Filial Piety in Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order
3.1 Ven. Master Hsing Yun and FGS Buddhist Order
3.2 Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s viewpoint on filial piety
3.3 The relationship between Master and his mother
3.4 Application in Monastic Order
3.4.1 The idea of Buddhist in-laws ( Fo Men Qing Jia佛門親家)
3.4.2 The Opening of Buddhist Family Day
3.4.3 Attaching the Importance of Education in Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order
3.4.4 The attendance and burial of the parent
3.4.5 Buddhist approach of repaying the parent
3.4.6 The extension of Buddhist filial piety
Chapter four: Conclusion
4.1 Summary of Findings
4.2 Research Conclusion

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