This work was written by Master T'an-kuang of the T'ang dynasty,who was fairly active till around 785 C.E. However,his definite dates were uncertain.
It consists of twenty-two dialogues entitled "Ta- cheng erh-shih-erh `wen` 大乘二十二問 ",or "The twenty-two dialogues on `Mahayana` Buddhism". The questions were put to him by a king of Tibet on various aspects of both Theravada and `Mahayana` Buddhism,such as Buddha nature,`dharmakaya`, `nirvana`,`sunyata`,bodhicitta, `alayavijnana` , `bhutatathata`,the difference of attainment of `nirvana` between a `sravaka` and a bodhisattva and so forth. As a guide to these dialogues, we have classified them into seven sub-divisions:
I. The practices of a Bodhisattva--This consists of six questions:No. 1,2,9,10, 12 and 13. II. The religious cultivation of the ordinary people--This consists of four questions:No. 3,4,8 and 14. III. The various differences among the three `yanas` --This consists of four questions: No. 15,16,17 and 18. IV. The accomplishments of the Buddha--This consists of three questions:No. 5,6,and 7. V. The `dharmakaya` and `nirvana` --This consists of three questions:No.11,19 and 20. VI. The `alayavijnapa` and perfect wisdom--This consists of one question:No.21. VII. The development of Buddhist schools--This consists of one question:No.22.
The present version was edited and collated on the basis of three imperfect and fragmentary manuscripts bearing No. S2674 from the British Museum,London,and Nos. P2690 and P2674 from the `Bibliotheque` Nationale,Paris. There are nearly 400 footnotes explaining the various readings, errors, omissions, corrections and other aspects of the manuscripts.
There is an editorial 'Preface' featuring a brief assessment of the quality,nature,contents, history and other areas of the text. It is hoped that one may be enabled to better understand its importance in Buddhist studies.