This is the first complete tranlation of Trimsikavijnaptibhasya by Sthiramati from Sanskrit into Chinese. The text, found in Nepal by Sylvain Levi in 1922, is the only extant Sanskrit version amongst the ten commentaries of 'Trimsikavijnaptikarika' (唯識三十頌) of Vasubandhu (世親). Before the recovering of the text, the sources for Chinese scholars to study the theory of `Vijnaptimatra` were based on Ch'eng Wei Shih Lun (成唯識論), a collective commentary to 'Trimsikavijnaptikarika' done and translated by Hsuan Tsang (玄奘) who, being a student of the second generation under the Dharmapala (護法) School, found it difficult to maintain a fair treatment of all other views. Therefore, we can now trace back the idea of Vasubandhu, evaluate the former Chinese translations and clarify the Sthiramati's own views against the original text by Sthiramati. The translation includes eight chapters. Only the first, two are published here, namely, the concept of 'vijnaptimatra' and the 'alayaparinama'. Both philological and philosophical notes with detailed discussions have been given in each chapter.