華嚴「法界緣起觀」的思想探源 -- 以杜順、法藏的法界觀為中心=The historical research of the idea of "dharma-dhatu-pratitya-samutpada" in Hua-Yen Buddhism: concerning the main point about the idea of dharma-dhatu of Du-Shun & Fa-Tsang
Summary As we know the idea of dharma-dhatu-pratitya-samutpada in Hua-Yen. Buddhism is a kind of Chinese style thinking Buddhist philosophy in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. The Gandavyuha-sutra always says that the three categories of life (tri-dhatu) is unreal,they are only created by one-mind (eka-citta).Therefore,this one-mind seen as a real mind to generate the dharma-dhatu -pratitya-samutpada (the relative existence of the world),so we may feel very suprise to those metaphysical systems of Buddhism.
However,it is impossible for the isolation or the great jump of the formation of idea, in other words, the formation of the idea of Buddhism must depend on the long historical development. According to the historical view,even though the structure of the ideal of Hua-Yen Buddhism is very complicated indeed,we believe that we can also find out the historical route of the ideal.
So the end of this Dissertation is trying to find out the historical route of the ideal of dharma-dhatu-pratitya-samutpada by the historical reductive method. From the fourteen-no-say and dvadasanga-pratitya-samutpada of Primary Buddhism,the karma-pratitya-samutpada of Scholistic Buddhism,due to the alaya- pratitya-samutpada, the tathagatha-garbha-pratitya-samutpada & the tathata-pratitya-samutpada of Mahayana Buddhism,we treat them as the historical foundation of dharma-dhatu-pratitya-samutpada. After the historical research, we may try to introduce about the different hermeneutical dimension of dharma-dhatu-pratitya- samutpada of Du-Shun,Chi-Yen & Fa-Tsang.