The Pilgrimage of Sudhana:A Study of Gandavyuuha Illustrations in China |
作者 |
Fontein, Jan
出版日期 | 1967 |
出版者 | Mouton |
出版地 | Hague, the Netherlands [海牙, 荷蘭] |
資料類型 | 書籍=Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
關鍵詞 | Fontein, JanPilgrimage of Sudhana;Gandavyuuha Illustrations in China; |
摘要 | A study of the Hua-yen path, in which it lists fifty-three stages and coordinates them with the fifty-three teachers whom the mythical pilgrim-bodhisattva Sudhana met on his journey in the Ga.ndavuuha Suutra, but deals especially with the influence of the latter on Buddhist art. |
點閱次數 | 464 |
建檔日期 | 2001.08.03
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