70 Authors and affiliations:Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Seminario de Indologia, Buenos Aires, Argentina
世親=Vasubandhu; 存有=bhava; 自性=Svabhava
INTRODUCTION 225 The Sanskn" t Original Text 225 The Two Manuscripts 225 The Tibetan Translations 226 Modern Editions and Translations of the Original Sanskrit Text 227 The Treatise's Authorship 227 The Work's Title 228 Importance of the Subject of the Treatise 228 Importance of the Treatise 229 Some Works that Treat the Theory of the Three Natures or in Which References to It Are Found 229 Some Modern Authors Who Refer to the Trisvabhdva Theory 230 Adopted Text 231 COMMENTARY 232 Section A. Kdrikds 1-5: The Three Natures 232 The Dependent Nature, the Asatkalpa, the Mind 232 The Imaginary Nature 234 The Absolute Nature 234 Section B. Kdrikd 6: The Mind's Structure 235 The ,4 la yavi/~ana 235 The A layavi/fidna as a Series of Subliminal Representations, ldeas, Cognitions etc. 235 The ,41ayavt~dna as Cause 236 "Reactualization " of the Vdsands 236 The Importance of the Alayavt~Bdna 237 The Prav.rttivi]adna 237 The Manas 237 Section C. Kdrikd 7." Etymologies of Citta 238 Section D. Kdrikds 8-9: The Asatkalpa's Modes 238 Section E. Karikd 1 O: "Coincidentia Oppositorum" in the Three Natures 240 Section F. Kdrikds 11-13: Being and Non-Being 240 Section G. Kdrikds 14-16: Duality and Unity 240 Section H. Kdrikds 17-21: ldentity of the Three Natures 242 Section I. Kdrikds 22-25: Distinction of the Three Natures 242 Essential Identity between the Three Natures 243 Definition of the Absolute Nature 243 Section J. Kdrilc~ 26: Common Characteristics of the Three Natures 244 Section K. Kdrikds 2 7-30: Analogy between a Magical Creation and the Three Natures 244 Section L. Kdrikds 31-34." Knbwledge, Elimination, Obtention 245 Section M. Kdrikds 35-36: Traditional Arguments in Favour of the "OnlyMind" Thesis 246 TRANSLATION KARIK,~S ON THE THREE NATURES 251 Section A. Kdrikds 1-5: The Three Natures 251